In this article the author exposes the importance of content in advertising, an ingredient that many times integrators leave aside more concerned about equipment or technical aspects.
By David Wilkins*
As a system integrator it is easy to focus exclusively on the technical aspects of designing a digital advertising network for your client. Decisions such as the type of screen, the number of projection screens, where they will be located, how they will be connected, and the type of engine that will power them tend to dominate the development of a digital advertising network. Decisions about the content to be transmitted on the network, on the other hand, have long been considered the sole responsibility of the customer or the network operator.
As far as the time to launch the digital advertising network is concerned, keep in mind that the equipment you selected has already been tested and tested; it is the content that will determine success or failure. By analyzing your customer's content needs in advance and gaining deep understanding of the strengths of different digital advertising systems, you can select the right technology partners to help ensure success.
Defining the content
When most people think of content for a digital advertising network, they tend to focus strictly on advertising. While there are some situations where it makes perfect sense to deploy a digital advertising network solely with advertisements, broadening the definition of digital advertising content offers the overwhelming advantage of having programming with a defined and consistent targeting.
The fundamental problem with a narrow approach to defining content as strictly ad-based is the real risk of the digital advertising network falling into ubiquity, the mundane, and eventually being nothing more than a monotonous store accessory. In many circumstances, if a digital advertising network only provides ads, your client's viewers will surely become indifferent, as the traditional viewership will skip commercials with a DVR and your client will miss an excellent opportunity to develop and enrich your brand.
The ability to attract audiences, make them notice a new product or service, motivate them to action, and connect them to a brand is the ultimate purpose of all digital advertising content. Content other than ads can help achieve these goals, create new opportunities and sponsorships for ads, empower editorial content, and give your client's viewers a compelling reason to stop and look at screens.
Needs assessment
Personalization and adaptation are essential elements when thinking about content and how to present it, especially to reinforce a brand. Every technology solution in digital advertising that currently exists has its strengths and weaknesses, and therefore a thorough assessment of your customer's content needs before buying a system for them is the key to their success.
For example, does your client need to be able to include updated stock quotes, with data automatically taken from breaking news or agencies? Does your customer want to create their own continuously updated data that highlights your company's news, promotions, or activities in the community? Do they plan to stream mostly simple data or will additional bandwidth be required to support a heavy video load? How often will your customer need to update the schedule? Does your client have any design experience or will they need to incorporate a library-based template system into the package?
Will your client supply all of their material or do you expect to buy and stream content from news agencies as well? If your client plans to purchase content from agencies, do you have the resources to respond to rights management or will you need to hire someone to coordinate programming?
Knowing the fabric of content development—and what type of content is most appropriate at what time—will ensure that you can ask your customers the right questions and develop the right network to meet their needs.
Advantages for the integrator
For the system integrator, success comes when your customer's expectations for digital advertising are adjusted to—or exceeded—by the results. By being able to educate your customers on all the details that need to be taken into account when developing and deploying digital advertising content, you further cement your position as an expert in your field. Analyzing your customer's content needs and making recommendations can not only open the door for new sales as your customer expands the network, but it can also present you with the opportunity to offer new services.
Ultimately, by taking the design of a digital advertising network a step beyond technology, you can leverage the project to build brand loyalty and a competitive advantage.
*David Wilkins is currently President and CEO of X2O Media. He holds two U.S. patents for core technology designs and holds an engineering degree from Concordia University as well as an MBA from McGill University. In 2003 he received two ARISTA awards, for Young Entrepreneur of Quebec and Exporter of the Year, granted by the Youth Chamber of Commerce of the city of Montreal. In 2004 he was listed in the prestigious list of the best forty under forty years in Canada "Top 40 Under 40". ™