I always heard about CVAC/R (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration) systems, security, fire, emergency and "communications" as the legs of the table, however, the integrations that were made by linking the audio and video systems were few and could be counted on the fingers of one hand.
We stand here before a reality. It is the safety and CVAC/R integrators who are leaving out the A/V area or it is the latter that is not entering with enough force into the terrain that other engineering areas are opening. We cannot deny, we are all and have to talk about the "green wave", a need of the whole planet and it is not a secret that integration and everything related to the use of best practices contribute to the achievement of objectives in that idea.
This editorial has only one purpose: to generate questions. How much of the installations we develop are made at least by notifying and consulting with the safety and engineering departments (CVAC/R)? Are we in our work fostering an environment of cooperation with the different areas of engineering so that we are part of the change that the planet is experiencing?
In developed markets, every industry is doing the same to take the lead in green and environmentally responsible practices, so there's no excuse for us at A/V not to do the same. Having written this note days before InfoComm, I am sure that much of the technological offer that will be presented at this show will be related to the ecological segment.
If you have not caught the idea I tell you more clearly: this is also a business opportunity; you already know that the end customer is very susceptible to social causes and if we understand it, we can offer solutions linked to a trend that gains more strength every day, and in many different scenarios.
See you.