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VA in Educational Settings, Recommendations

AV en entornos educativos, recomendaciones

Educational institutions require a data network administrator who has knowledge of audiovisual networks to be their own staff or a third party.

Juan Tamayo*

It's been almost 4 years since the world changed, we spent time locked up and with magical audio and video solutions that could be installed in classrooms to make hybrid rooms for the transmission of remote classes. In 2022, the vast majority of those solutions were already saved or archived, gathering dust.

The vast majority of designs did not survive and unfortunately educational institutions lost large sums of money in the technological evolution, and generating distrust of the professional audiovisual installation market.

- Publicidad -

In this opinion column I will not seek to attack those who made the sales, as there are several factors that would have to be analyzed. I can't even blame them because there was a shortage of products, a high need for purchase and basically the oldest relationship in the world was generated: supply and demand. What I do want to do is give some key points for the development of audiovisual projects, you may or may not agree, but I would like you to comment and generate a healthy debate that will help build a better market.

The first key point I want to share is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ALL-INCLUSIVE PRODUCT. And I make the clarification, for the development of hybrid classrooms of more than 5 face-to-face students, it is almost impossible to find an all-inclusive solution. Audio and video are complex physical elements, requiring each element to perform at its best individually plus the ability to add to other elements. These rooms require a spatial and special design.

Educational institutions require a data network administrator who has knowledge of audiovisual networks to be their own staff or a third party. And I make the clarification, YOU MUST KNOW AUDIO AND VIDEO NETWORKS. Since the data network packaging format works with multicast protocols, which unlike conventional networks are unicast. In other words, audio and video equipment, when entered into a conventional network of data networks, will be seen as possible computer viruses, due to the amount of information that is shared.

av en entornos educativosAudiovisual design for educational classrooms is generally constant designs, the concept of placement of elements does not vary much. Therefore, its design is not complex unless the spaces are completely different. For this reason, I have always recommended that if an educational institution wants to make an investment in technological equipment, it should do so in stages. The first stage can be a single demo room, where all the connectivity and quality tests are done in audio, video and its transmission through video call platforms or remote connectivity. Currently the legal branches have evolved a lot, it is possible to carry out quality compliance policies for project installation. If the project developed does not meet the needs contemplated, these policies can be applied.

If the educational institution does not have knowledge of audiovisuals, there is no problem, the technical market offers different alternatives to learn how to acquire connectivity elements. The first thing is to prepare the internal staff, there are different universities that already offer in their curriculum subjects, courses, diplomas that have to do with the development of audio-visual projects. If possible, certify your CTS (Certified Technology Specialist) staff.

Additionally, require in the contracting processes that your supplier has certifications and that it is affiliated with international organizations of the audiovisual industry, this will not be a perfect guarantee that the project will be executed correctly, but it will close the possibility for anyone to sell equipment, and will allow you to find a company that will help you solve a connectivity problem.

For a few years now I have been playing the role of a technology controller or consultant. My job is basically to be the right hand of the client who does not possess technological knowledge, to help them make the best decision of the project. I've learned that it's not about selling equipment, it's about helping people communicate, that change of mentality has allowed me to be efficient in the development of the project, and this point leads me to the last recommendation of this opinion column.

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CONSTANTLY EVALUATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT, projects that begin to be evaluated from the design have a better performance effectiveness at the end of the project. If this project is not constantly evaluated, it is possible that when it is completed, the client will not be satisfied because it did not meet the expected expectations.

The correct development of a project according to the guidelines of international organizations helps the efficiency of the economic resource, and in countries of our latitudes any money well invested becomes the best technological treasure to be taken care of, so the great invitation is to train to be able to develop these projects. We are happy to give you some ideas on how to do it.

If you want to attach information that will help others develop projects, please comment on this article, let's collaborate in growing the community. If you want to know about my consultant services, leave us the message, we will reply as soon as possible.

*Juan Tamayo, CTS-D, is an electronic engineer and currently serves as Manager of T-Árbol Audiovisuales SAS, Product Applications Engineer for Latin America for International Sales and Support Engineer for Synthax Inc.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Richard Santa, RAVTEmail: [email protected]
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.


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  • Definitivamente el hacer previamente un diseño mejora considerablemente el rendimiento de los sistemas a la hora de la implementación y la experiencia del usuario final.

    Otro punto es que probablemente algunos de los equipos que actualmente no satisfacen las expectativas de uso es porque definitivamente no fueron bien dimensionados, pero que haciendo una reubicación en otro espacio tengan una segunda oportunidad.
  • Definitivamente el hacer previamente un diseño mejora considerablemente el rendimiento de los sistemas a la hora de la implementación y la experiencia del usuario final.

    Otro punto es que probablemente algunos de los equipos que actualmente no satisfacen las expectativas de uso es porque definitivamente no fueron bien dimensionados, pero que haciendo una reubicación en otro espacio tengan una segunda oportunidad.

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