By: Santiago Jaramillo H.
It is necessary to be clear and point out energetically that although there are diverse and very complete offers in the market, what the professionals in charge of the assembly of a mega event are always looking for is to complement and, at the same time, simplify their work through the effective alternatives that the manufacturer can offer, especially with regard to the segment of frames.
That is why on this occasion we wanted to invite a representative of an important manufacturer of these articles in order to update us on what are the requirements of the industry and, in particular, on a term that is coined with great force in the industry: "tailor-made solutions".
That is to say, that manufacturers become an active part of the integrating segment, in one more link in the chain, in the perfect complement, through the joint development of alternatives designed especially for the requirements of the assemblies that their allies advance in the increasingly demanding entertainment industry.
Our guest is Eduardo Viteri, director of international sales of the company ProMounts.
Application and useful features of the mount
According to Viteri, the frame must be polyfunctional to be able to fit the different needs of the "mega events", that is, it has the ability to locate the screen vertically or horizontally, that it has the ease of handling of built-in wiring, that it also has ceiling or wall accessories that complement the installation, as well as twists and extensions that help cover the different visual angles that must be considered in a show of great proportions.
Design flexibility in the aesthetic and functional sense
Due to the high degree of traffic in "mega events", the aesthetic aspect is an attractant for people. Consistent and modern designs, in this case, have to go hand in hand with the functionality of the frame.
Also of utmost importance are the technology and manufacturing countenances used during the process and completion of the frame, such as the layers of anticorrosive paint for outdoor or indoor applications with a lot of open space, as is the case of the venues used in mega events.
It is also necessary to take into account the quality certifications that can guarantee the extended use of a frame in hostile environments, as in many cases it is required in mega events, in addition an unconditional support of the manufacturer of the frame is essential.
In a segment such as frames, an important aspect is definitely that of research and, of course, the new technologies that are incorporated in favor of better performance.
"In the research aspect and considering that in the company we have our own product development and engineering department, we are constantly inquiring, evaluating and executing innovations to our product lines that will be used in commercial and professional applications, as is the case of the "mega events", highlights Viteri, who also adds that "the design of the professional and commercial frames of ProMounts is based on studies and recommendations of the installers, who are the eyes and ears of the industry."
Likewise, our guest emphasizes that "the latest trends in frames for 'mega events' reflect simple but multidynamic designs, mounting structures of great quality and resistance, accommodating to additional products that go hand in hand with a mount such as LED screens, heavy projectors, cables (audio / video) of different diameters, etc."
Because mega events are advertising showcases for frames, they must have countless aspects, such as all the screws necessary to fit any eventuality that may arise during the installation. Similarly, the mount must count and be attachable to different additional accessories that include a successful solution for events of this type. That is, it must include qualitative aspects of engineering, design and manufacturing that allow quantifying the success of the solution once it has been applied in a macro environment such as a mega event.
On the other hand, and with regard to the challenges posed by the segment, the ProMounts representative considers that the main one has to do with personalized requirements that cannot be satisfied immediately. That is, "the very magnitude of a mega event often implies an appropriate planning by the entire team in charge of the execution of the event and in certain cases the lack of communication or timing between the supervisors of mega events and the logistics that involves satisfying custom designs or applications due to the lack of a custom mount by the manufacturer, it can cause delays in the delivery of a product, which is critical for these types of shows," he says.
Encouraging part
When asked about the balance that the frame segment delivers in the Latin American region, Viter delivers a part of satisfaction and, at the same time, sees with good prospects what will be the future of this industry.
"I think that in general the balance is positive, because the mega events are on the rise. Leaving aside the current economic downturns or slowdowns that affect all markets differently, the use of bulky venues for the development of mega events has become more popular more recently. In addition, with new cutting-edge technologies it is more viable to hold contests of any kind. There is undoubtedly a synchronization and the very application of all the global components that are part of a mega event will dictate that in the future even this type of activities will become even more popular, "emphasizes our guest.
As for the main challenge of the segment, Viteri reiterated that "it will always be to have all the accessories and devices inventoried at the disposal of the installers and supervisors of mega events and this only because of the magnitude of the application that implies the realization of a contest of these characteristics without contracting any type of eventuality. Of course, I believe that today there are sufficient solutions for the vast majority of mega events such as the particular case of ProMounts where the design of our products, the specific variety of them, as well as the feasibility of being able to adapt to any need has an added value that we offer as a manufacturer of frames ", Says.
In the same way, he recommends that when choosing a manufacturer "it is very important to support the brand not only with unlimited guarantee, but with the after-sales service and of course the price is fair".