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Sustainability in action

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One of the key points of these measures is the development of sustainable products. Fohhn focuses on durability, reliability and the use of sustainable materials.

Fohhn Audio

Efficient management of resources, the reduction of polluting emissions and the minimization of waste are some of the trending practices adopted by small and large companies focused on responsible interaction with the environment.

The German company Fohhn, based in Nürtingen, has been developing and manufacturing innovative audio system solutions of the highest quality since 1993. Fully aware of their responsibility towards the world and the collective future, they demand coherent sustainability initiatives at different levels of participation.

- Publicidad -

In Fohhn's words: "We are responsible to each other, to our world and our environment, and therefore also responsible for our common future."

This philosophy prompted the company to found the Fohhn Sustainability Committee in 2021, setting a goal of commitment to sustainability and climate protection for the future. They were supported by the University of Nürtingen and the Centre for Sustainable Development, among others.

In recent years, they have implemented changes such as the consolidation of the company under one building, demanding internal measures and a clear demonstration of their social and ecological responsibility.

The R&D, assembly, logistics, administration, customer service and sales departments are housed in an efficient KfW 55 building with a high energy standard. The company's headquarters requires only 55% of the primary energy demand.

Energy-efficient building envelope, own photovoltaic system, air heat pump for heating and cooling, modern building and energy management system with software support, LED lighting or electric car charging station are many of the solutions that can be found in the factory.

One of the key points of these measures is the development of sustainable products. Fohhn focuses on durability, reliability and the use of sustainable materials, the longer the products are used, the lower the environmental impact of the raw material extraction and manufacturing phase. They have an exhaustive quality control from the receipt of goods, production chain, to the final product, thus guaranteeing a perfect operation of their products for years. All this is achieved thanks to technologies developed by Fohhn such as Auto Power Save, designs with compact dimensions and low weight, recyclable materials, construction with materials from Germany/Europe...

sostenibilidad avRepairing. Do not delete.
The repair service also ensures that their products are maintained or repaired quickly and reliably by checking them with the latest software version and thus ensuring a perfect combination of old products with current products, which is why they have a 5-year warranty on their products.

- Publicidad -

As far as the supply chain is concerned, the German company has been responsible for concentrating its orders to suppliers within a radius of 300km from its headquarters, thus guaranteeing the reduction of CO2 emissions due to short distances. Thanks to their good relationship, and working together for many years, supplier and company achieved the same level of environmental awareness, which has led, for example, to the implementation of reusable containers for transport.

Fohhn also plays an important role in raising awareness in society, promoting social responsibility with workshops and training at universities.
Solidarity with the development of more than 6000 protectors during the coronavirus to hospitals and medical centers or their constant support to their employees and creation of new jobs for young people, they show that their commitment is also internal and personal.

Being aware of its own ecological impact, Fohhn actively works on its reduction and effective environmental management in cooperation with the Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences and the Center for Sustainable Development.

Since September 2021 they have based their efforts on a set of sustainability practices with respect to all relevant aspects of development, material purchasing, manufacturing processes, freight forwarding and internal energy use.

Everything achieved is another step forward for Fohhn in this effort and commitment to sustainability. However, they acknowledge that it is a long-term project in which they say they still have many goals to achieve, such as CO2 climate neutrality without acquiring environmental certificates.

In 2021, Fohhn received the "Industry Member of the Year" award at a gala that highlighted and applauded all the audio manufacturer's sustainable actions, which remain unique in the industry.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Richard Santa, RAVTEmail: [email protected]
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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