177 meeting rooms of different sizes and complexities were intervened to update them with the latest AV technology and to facilitate the research work of Conacyt professionals.
By Richard Santa
The System of Public Research Centers Conacyt, is a set of 26 research institutions that cover the main fields of scientific, technological, social and humanistic knowledge to promote its application to the solution of national problems in Mexico.
Despite its extensive trajectory in research, its presence throughout the Mexican Republic and being research and development centers in different areas of science and technology, in terms of ICT 90% of the Conacyt Centers lacked state-of-the-art technology. Therefore, at the beginning of 2015 they began a process of installing new audiovisual technology in all their headquarters.
For the execution of this project, the company Integración Tecnológica 360 was chosen. José Antonio Martínez, sales manager of the company, told AVI LATINOAMÉRICA that the project arose 16 months in advance when the company generated for Infotec a survey among the CPI (Public Research Centers) to know the real state of infrastructure of each one. With the result of this survey, it was possible to measure the integration of the minimum base equipment for each of the 177 rooms required by Conacyt.
The size of the intervention
"Having a wide universe of rooms to equip, Integración Tecnológica 360 and Infotec determined to classify the level of integration into 14 kits, each with specific characteristics to cover needs as close to the requirement of each of the CPI; with different levels of integration but using state-of-the-art technology in each selection," he said.
The most representative kits installed at Conacyt headquarters were:
Kit 1.- A Smart E70 interactive screen, a pedestal with wheels and a horizontal speaker for sound reinforcement.
Kit 6.- A Smart E70 interactive display, a pedestal with wheels, a horizontal speaker for sound reinforcement, and a videoconferencing equipment.
Kit 7.- An E70 interactive screen, its support, a pedestal with wheels and a videoconferencing equipment, audio amplifier, audio processor, video router, HDMI signal router, video scaler, automation system, data switch, credenza rack, board table, table services, table microphones, surface speakers, wireless presenter and wireless control interface.
Kit 8. - It is integrated by six 70" professional monitors, two DLP projectors, ceiling speakers, audio processor, amplifier, audio and video control system, automation system, data switch, videoconferencing equipment, three videoconferencing cameras, credenza rack, table microphones, table services, wireless presenter, support and wireless control interface.
Kit 12.- Four Smart 60W12 interactive projectors, ceiling speakers, audio amplifier, audio processor, HDMI router, VGA router, video conferencing equipment, credenza rack, ceiling microphones, lapel microphones and projection screens on the video.
Kit 13.- Interactive screens E 70, pedestal with wheels, satellite speakers, ceiling speakers, audio amplifier, audio processor, HDMI router, VGA router, video conferencing equipment, credenza rack, ceiling microphones, lapel microphones.
Kit 14.- An E70 interactive screen, 8000 lumens video projector, audio processor, audio amplifier control system, video conferencing equipment with two cameras, six surface speakers, table microphones, wireless module for control
In summary, these systems include audiovisual equipment, videoconferencing, automated control and specialized furniture for 177 meeting rooms with different levels of integration and complexity, from small meeting rooms with LCD or video projector, to very large spaces with the ability to display images on different monitors, meeting tables with microphones to receive 34 people.
The rooms were distributed nationwide in the 26 Conacyt Public Research Centers, as well as in their different sub-headquarters (43 CPI in total), and of course the plenary hall of the General Directorate of the entity.
In addition, Kramer systems were integrated into automated meeting rooms with capacity for 12 people (KIT7) and "triple" rooms with capacity to project individually and auditorium type (KIT 12 and KIT13). Other brands such as AMX, Smart Technologies, Avaya, Qsc, Christie, Viewsonic, Sennheiser, Atlantic Tecnology, Sound Tube, Middle Atlantic, Integra Audio, Sharp, Apple, Ioport were also included.
José Antonio Martínez stressed that "the technology and brands mentioned for this project were chosen based on the needs expressed for each center and mainly based on the knowledge and experience that Integración Tecnológica 360 has in the Audiovisual market and development of high-level projects".
With just the right time
José Antonio Martínez recalled that during the installation process there were no technical difficulties, because the benefited CPI complied to the letter with the minimum installation requirements requested.
"Logistical difficulties, the normal ones in a project so intensive and exaggeratedly short in its implementation, since normally the delivery and implementation times should have been at least nine months, but in the bidding bases the delivery and implementation time was only three months. In addition, the implementation was carried out fully adhering to standards and processes of the PMI, as well as the policies and guidelines of the Administrative Manual of General Application in Matters of Information and Communications Technologies and Information Security MAAGTICSI, "he added.
The results
The Conacyt Centers benefited today have state-of-the-art, modern and intuitive technological tools that generate value and influence technologically speaking in high-level decision-making, in addition the tools installed serve as support in areas of training, distance education and local learning units in the headquarters that teach master's degrees and high-level diplomas.
This project is considered to be replicated in at least three more stages, counting the necessary technological updates, therefore, 90% of the success for these new stages of the project lies in the transfer of knowledge, follow-up to guarantees, among other points of value; for which Integración Tecnológica 360 implemented a help desk with access via the web, for the attention and follow-up of reports, guarantees and technical support.
"In this table, attention service is provided for the resolution of incidents and problems related to the infrastructure offered, with an escalation scheme, attached to the best practices of the ITIL industry, verified by Pink Verify in the continuous improvement plan, taking control of the incidents and problems reported, documenting each and every one of the reports that are formulated. The remaining 10% is the work of our technical sales staff," concluded the director of Technological Integration 360.