Seeking to improve its communication with the public, since 2005 the Mexican company Cinemex installed and has been evolving since then a digital signage system.
AVI Latin America
For the installation and operation of its digital signage system, installed in all the headquarters of the country, Cinemex chose the company Multimedia Corporativa. Luis Carlos Muñoz, representative of Multimedia, told AVI Latin America details of what this project has been.
He explained that it is a digital signage solution in strategic points and direct contact with the public, the solution covers several channels among which stand out: Box office, marquee, candy store, digital poster and videowalls.
In each channel promotional content is displayed according to:
• Marketing area planning
• Data that is extracted in real time from the databases of each cinema (schedules, product prices and tickets).
Initially, the spaces of the point of direct contact with the public were intervened, in which schedules, purchase of tickets, and purchase of food are shown. The most recent implementations are in the lobby of the complexes with installation of asymmetrical and conventional videowalls, and at the entrances to the rooms with digital posters.
He pointed out that the main challenge with this project has been "the renovation of the complexes with the integration of a digital signage system that allows to improve and facilitate the attention to users at strategic points and at the point of direct contact".
From light boxes to DS
Cinemex had light boxes and printed posters for its menus in the candy store, box office and marquee. Luis Carlos Muñoz stressed that the great project began in 2005, we worked on the production and design of the first 3 digital signage channels: Box Office, Marquesina and Dulcería.
"With the production team and its advertising agency, we worked on the image of the brand and the products, for the inauguration in June of that same year," he said.
Currently Cinemex has a network of 1,650 players, and more than 8,000 screens that are distributed in 52 cities of the Mexican Republic. This network is connected to its fourth IDF that transmits the information to each lobby, in concessions, ticket office, canopy, digital poster and videowalls, of each complex.
Through its internal network, Cinemex gives access to the databases to keep the screens updated with the offer of products and prices.
These solutions feature professional 42", 55" and 65" multi-brand Digital Signage monitors, as well as small footprint PC-Players with digital outputs.
"The technology that has been used in this project are the ones that have been best evaluated in our tests and in the cost-benefit ratio is favorable for the client. As for the platform, Scala was chosen since from the beginning of the project it was the best solution in digital signage in terms of stability, security and flexibility," he said.
Implementation results
Luis Carlos Muñoz stressed that "This implementation has automated the process of distributing information to each Cinemex complex, optimizing times, distribution savings and printing. It has also helped to show more attractively the offer of films and food, transforming the experience of going to the cinema."
To achieve these results, they had to move to all the complexes throughout the Mexican Republic, adapting the requests for content changes and the bandwidth that allows the updating in time and form of the contents.
The representative of Corporate Multimedia concluded that "the trust that the client has placed to keep the channels alive is paramount; the result of this satisfaction is that we have maintained the contract for 15 years, achieving high satisfaction in the areas of IT, Concessions and Marketing".
Integrating firm: Corporate Multimedia
Manufacturers (brands) involved: Scala, Samsung, IBase.
Professionals involved:
On behalf of Cinemex: Systems Area, Concessions, Marketing.
On behalf of Corporate Multimedia: Systems, Infrastructure, design and production
Company covered with the installation (end customer): Cinemex
Installation dates: December 2005 to present