Colombia. Flash is revolutionizing the data center and empowering businesses to do more, faster, and with big data. Nonetheless, enterprises harness the power of flash to provide massive scalability and high levels of performance and reliability.
Traditional data protection solutions cannot keep up with the volumes of data they must protect while, at the same time, their tolerance for time out and data loss is reduced.
This can force companies to make an awkward decision: reduce their flash deployment plans or leave workloads vulnerable to data loss or damage by betting on traditional backup solutions with nothing more than the hope that all their data is protected.
One way to avoid this and ensure that data is protected quickly, reliably, and effectively is to take advantage of a flash-optimized data protection solution.
Three Steps to Security
EMC recommends that enterprises make data protection a key criterion when evaluating flash storage architectures to ensure that mission-critical data is not left vulnerable. This can be achieved by following these simple steps:
Step 1: Choose a flash array that includes rich data services and data protection built into the storage to maximize your investment.
Step 2: Combine flash arrays with protected storage that can consolidate all protection needs, has deduplication technology to minimize storage requirements, and is designed as "storage of last resort" to help ensure recovery, no matter what happens.
Step 3: Employ intelligent protection software to help ensure that protected copies are application-consistent, enabling fast, simple, and granular recovery.