Mexico. The use of the Internet as a support in teaching has its beginnings in the late eighties and early nineties, when the first universities and government institutions began an interconnection via the Internet. But how much can the balance be tipped towards the positive and negative effects this brought to humanity? How exposed is our sector most vulnerable to the havoc that technological advances can cause and in what space and time of their day to day?
In a report issued by the Ministry of Public Education, "Main Figures of the National Educational System 2013-2014", it is shown that there are 245,507 schools in Mexico, of which 84,510 have Internet. Contrasting these figures with 50% of the Mexican population that have access to the Internet; of that percentage, 58% are in the 6-24 age range and about 36% connect on school schedules. Concluding that, one of the places where children in our country can suffer from negative and traumatic consequences is in school.
94% of high school students go to social networks during classes.
90% of underage students have witnessed, acted or victimized cyberbullying.
80% of high school students have been exposed to pornography on school networks.
75.4% of Grooming cases occur through social networks.
8% of Mexican students between the ages of 12 and 16 admit to having sent nude or semi-nude images of themselves to acquaintances or strangers. 36.7% know someone who has submitted or forwarded images of this type.
24% of children and young people in basic and upper secondary education suffer from bullying.
Mexico is the first place worldwide in cases of bullying according to the OECD; 22% of it happens online.
One in 10 children between the ages of 12-16 has received sexual messages on the Internet.
Mexico ranks first in the dissemination of child pornography.
That is why "For a Safe Internet" (an initiative that seeks to educate Internet users) and SAINT, concerned about the aforementioned problems, decide to combat this lack of culture in navigation and the little information that our young people have about the negative havoc that the Internet can bring.