Mexico. Comstor offered his vision of why the future of IT departments lies in integration with Marketing. Satisfying internal and external users, offering current, fast and secure technologies, as well as specific for the execution of each activity, is one of the premises of IT departments in companies, which in addition to updated technical knowledge, now need a new attitude: to be close to their customers.
How to know what they need?, how is the system?, what are the programs and applications that are most used? and which ones deserve an update? Those questions can be answered in online forms and surveys, but why not a face-to-face conversation, a personal approach with office staff?
That's what we know as internal marketing. The IT department must demystify the preconception that they are only the ones who fix computers, who spend it isolated in a room, monitoring the access to the information of all the machines, which are responsible for looking for viruses and fighting hackers. An approach is important so that the other departments understand how IT can help in the day to day work, what are the easiest tools for the execution of a certain task, and other points, which can help from a formal conversation.
Perhaps communication is not one of the strongest points of those who work with information technology, but now, that point must be taken into account, since everyone should see this department as fundamental to achieve the strategic goals of the company.
Likewise, a partnership with the marketing department would be interesting to present actions, new programs, the adoption of new processes and other information to guide users. For example: does your company already have a manual of good practices in the use of the Internet, e-mail or BYOD? If not yet, it can be an excellent opportunity to create that manual and generate a discussion, from a presentation with the help of the marketing staff.
Prepare a presentation about the manual. Ask your marketing staff for help translating it into simpler, less technical language. Convene a meeting with all users and explain the new rules and the importance of everyone cooperating so that the network remains clean, secure and agile. Make an awareness presentation and leave a space for the doubts of the participants. Adjust the manual with the suggestions received and send them to everyone.
All that could be done through a circular, informing that there is a new manual of procedures on the server and that everyone must follow it. However, that ends up limiting communication and the exchange of experiences among all employees of the company.
IT department of the future demands new talent
Many CIOs have already realized that their roles have changed in the last five or six years. The focus that was previously had on technological efficiency, is now being taken on the efficiency of the team, so that it understands the demands of internal or external customers.
That means IT professionals need to have new talent to sustain themselves, which will logically require technical knowledge, but also stimulating better interaction with users. For that, the specialist will need to establish a clear, efficient, proactive conversation when resolving issues and suggesting new options, and if they are no longer being called, they will be summoned to participate in meetings with clients to discuss a new process, product or service. At that time, the professional will need to expose their ideas and knowledge, defend them and contribute in a positive way so that all together they find a solution.
That shift is emerging from the need for ever closer work between business units with the technology department. Whoever is prepared to face these challenges has more opportunities to stay in the market.