Latin America. The AV Systems Design courses, its three installments, have been revised and updated to offer the most complete information to professionals in the Audiovisual Industry in Latin America, considering the advancement of technology and the new developments that it presents to the different markets.
The courses that began to be taught in November 2016 in Mexico and Colombia (AV Systems Design – The environment, given in November and AV Systems Design – Applied Design), will continue to be taught in 2017 and in this way the participants will have new knowledge during the year that they can apply in their AV projects.
Nelson Baumgratz, CTS-D, InfoComm Country Manager for Brazil, and InfoComm University™ instructor, believes that the updating of these courses is based on the advancement of technology and industry, and the design process adapts to these advances. "One of these advances, which is very significant, is the inclusion of the different AV ANSI/InfoComm Technical Standards that are applied from the initial phase of the design to the construction and delivery of a system."
The three courses are responsible for delivering essential information about. the design of audiovisual systems for engineers, AV designers, end users of schools, universities, companies, banks, etc.; and design managers of construction companies, integrators and architects, among others.
Course description
1. AV System Design Course – The Environment
In this course participants will learn about topics such as the phases of a design, the importance of ergonomics, the principles of visual design and the fundamentals of audio design.
2. AV Systems Design Course – The Infrastructure
Students will learn how to interact with other trades, lighting specification and electrical infrastructure, acoustic elements, industry codes, assembly, IT, and mechanical and structural considerations.
3. AV System Design Course – Applied Design
This course will allow students to focus on the communication aspects between devices in a design, exploring different topics such as digital video, audio, networking, and so on; as well as the necessary security considerations. At the end they will have a critical vision that will help them design better systems for their customers, knowing how to communicate the design intention through the process, developing AV designs and documentation, and determining the specifications of the systems and parameters (bandwidth, EDID, HDCP, BYOD, etc.).
To learn about InfoComm courses scheduled for 2017, click here.