Mexico. The digital age has brought with it important challenges for companies, which must think about how to make the most of all the options that technology offers them, including communications solutions such as videoconferencing, telepresence, digital signage, among others.
For companies to take advantage of this moment, directors and executives are required prepared to adapt to the new needs and demands of global markets. The company Broadsoft, stressed that the different styles of a CEO, have a great impact on the companies they lead, their shareholders and employees.
A study conducted by Harvard Business Review of more than 3,000 CEOs found that the top 100 valued increased shareholder value by 1,385% during their period and increased the market value of their companies by $40.2 trillion, on average.
So what characteristics do great managers have that make a difference in their companies? These elements fall into two categories: personal traits and factors that indicate successful performance:
Personal characteristics:
First, the study linked excellence in counseling to achieving the 5% compound annual growth rate over the person's time as chief executive. In addition, excellent CEOs showed a greater likelihood of demonstrating comfort with risk if it was appropriate for their business and a greater propensity to act decisively and capitalize on potential opportunities. In fact, the authors define these two qualities as the "essence" of a CEO personality.
Six other traits manifest in the personality profiles of highly successful CEOs:
1) Ambition and resilience
2) Original thinking
3) Future orientation and ability to visualize it
4) Team building capability
5) Active communication
6) The ability to move others into action.
Great CEOs: What do they have and what do they do?
While individual cases may vary, in general, those initiated to a corporation are better than those outside. People with MBAs perform better than people without the degree. The type of industry and sector makes no difference whether a specific CEO performs well, regularly, or poorly.