Latin America. More than 100 business partners worldwide currently use BroadSoft Team-One, as it is a low-cost integrated solution that service providers can quickly bring to market, along with a wide range of capabilities.
The company recalled that the insufficiency of default business applications and in most cases with high costs when integrating with each other, is causing an overload of collaboration tools that represents the main reason why the average worker spends almost 20% of the total time of his week searching and collecting information.
In November 2016, BroadSoft made the effort to solve this market challenge. This resulted in the launch of Team-One, a team collaboration and personal productivity solution that places all the tasks, files, messages, and notes a business user needs in one place, along with video conferencing, one-click calls, screen sharing, and integration with popular business applications.
Among the features of the system are:
• Contextual intelligence (CI) and embedded bots: Team-One's IC enhances one-to-one communications by searching the user's cloud applications for documents, messages, and content relevant to the conversation or meeting they are conducting.
• Telephony and Unified Communications integration: Team-One integrates workspaces with one-click calls, instant HD video conferencing, and screen sharing available through the BroadSoft Business UC-One app on any device.
• Task and project management: Team-One allows users to have the ability to create, assign and track tasks for each project to simplify the workflow process.
• Personal productivity: Team-One's workspace model offers users personal productivity tools that feature messaging-based applications, such as: daily summary, task management, email integration, calendar, and the ability to search and tag any type of information.