International. A group of researchers from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Seville has developed a predictive method to quantify, through simulations of novel dynamic metrics, the potential energy and economic savings involved in using intelligent lighting control systems.
These intelligent systems are tremendously effective in saving energy, as well as very easy to install. Except in very particular situations, such as rooms with very little access to natural light or small dimensions, the cost of installing intelligent control systems is amortized in less than 3 years.
"To support us in an example, considering a conventional premises or office of 80 square meters – in the context of climatic conditions and the cost of energy in Spain – an intelligent system, composed of a flow regulator controlled by a photosensitive cell, can be amortized in less than a year and can generate savings in the electricity bill of more than € 4,000 in 10 years. In addition, the above example assumes that the electric lighting of the office has very efficient LED luminaires. If the office had halogen or fluorescent light, the savings in the electricity bill would be much greater, between three and ten times higher, "explained the professor of the University of Seville Ignacio J. Acosta.
For this study, the researchers rely on 'daytime performance metrics' with which they try to quantify the lighting conditions throughout the year based on weather conditions and the schedule of activity.
This research has been funded by the Dynalight project, of the competitive call Challenges 2017, promoted by the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain.
For the full study, click here.