Brazil. This Friday, May 14, a new day of KNX Days will be held, this time aimed at the Brazilian market. It is an online and free event that already has open registrations.
Among the presentations that this day will have, will be:
- KNX in Portugal: a perspective on evolution, challenges, the market and projects
Presentation of the launch of KNX Brazil - ABB i-Bus KNX for hospitals
- Utility Management with KNX - Residential and Corporate Condominiums
- TC5 Control Unit HVAC Application Cases
- From the interior of Brazil to the world, says the No. 1 in Energy Efficiency KNX: How to increase your sales, "the new normal"!
- KNX Simulator: innovative design and teaching tool for integrators
- How to build a KNX architecture for hospitals?
- The day ends with a Panel Discussion
To know all the details and register for this day, click here.