Mexico. Over the past year and a half, the daily lives of all people have been substantially transformed. The confinement, a consequence of the health emergency that happens to us, has generated an important change in the patterns and habits of many things we did daily.
In this regard, the Internet Association MX (AIMX) recently issued a study on Work Stress, which aims to identify if Internet users have suffered from this problem and determine if it has increased or decreased as a result of the pandemic.
According to the study, 63% of workers report having suffered work stress during the last two years, while 23% report having it all the time. In this regard, the population group most affected by this condition are women between 30 and 49 years old with some postgraduate study.
Among the main causes of work stress, workers reported that lack of control over work methods and rhythms (46%) and lack or overwork (46%) are the main causes of stress.
As we know, stress wreaks physical and emotional havoc on people. The study investigates this and highlights that: headaches (73%), anguish and irritability (65%), anxiety (62%), constant tiredness (55%), lack of motivation (51%) and insomnia (48%) are the main impacts suffered by workers.
However, the most interesting finding of the study was to determine whether work stress increased or decreased as a result of the pandemic. In this regard, 46% of workers responded that they have felt more stress as a result of the pandemic, this mainly due to the feeling of the probability of job loss and the risk of contagion in the workplace.
On the contrary, 30% consider that work stress continued the same as before the pandemic and only 7% reported a perception of decreased stress, while only 17% do not report any moment of work stress.
It is a reality that from now on teleworking will be a continuous part of our lives. Given such a scenario, it is important that companies detect the origins of stress and generate habits of respect for the private time of employees, such as the right to disconnection in the case of those who work remotely or hybridly.
It is relevant that everyone, employees and employers, become familiar with NOM 035 which precisely seeks to regulate the work environment and thereby prevent psychosocial risk factors, where companies are obliged to carry out preventive actions such as questionnaires and dissemination of information to promote good emotional health among their workers.
Text written by Gonzalo Rojon of The Competitive Intelligence Unit, CIU.