Latin America. Despite the fact that the times we live in are uncertain in economic matters, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the use of technologies being the most effective resource to maintain distance communication. This exhibition in technological matters has facilitated that all spaces are transformed with more effective and efficient resources, where digital technologies respond to more and more sectors.
This technological evolution includes video walls, which are a large display surface composed of several screens. Nowadays, video wall solutions usually use mosaic LCD panels, rear-projection cubes or direct LED panels. These types of screens are available in various sizes and are adapted according to the need, for example, in control rooms, meeting rooms, digital advertisements and other demanding environments.
Because the demand for this type of solutions is increasingly common and its benefits can result in greater advantages for your organization, it is important to consider the five main points offered by Manuel Navarrete, Sales Manager Barco in Colombia, to get the most out of investing in a corporate video wall.
Engage your employees
The return to the office after a long period of remote work can represent various problems in organizations, ranging from having poor conditions to ensure a safe return, to the unwillingness of some workers to return to their workplaces.
To deal with this type of situation, it is necessary that the return to offices is not seen as a burden for employees, but as an opportunity to improve workspaces. In that sense, corporate video walls play a primary role in focusing on the employee experience and creating stunning environments that is a major advantage in this process.
This resource allows workers to be engaged and grabbed by displaying informative and inspiring messages and images, which present any type of information in real time to ensure that everyone knows what is happening inside the premises.
Stand out in the face of new challenges
The murals within the corporations represent a look at innovation and technological advances, where the different sizes and resolutions allow to get the most out of the information that is presented, with a more attractive professional resource, which makes them stand out from the rest of the organizations.
"Video walls in a corporation offer a better visual experience to potential customers, which will undoubtedly enhance your organization's commitment to employ new technologies, in addition to increasing the enthusiasm in your workers by being in a more comfortable and attractive space unlike other organizations," said the Barco expert.
Undoubtedly, the transition from the conventional to the new formats, influences the way in which the interaction is carried out in organizations, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the restrictions within the work centers imply taking new action measures to prevent the spread of the virus. That is why now the spaces are designed and configured to offer employees greater confidence in the workplace, as are now the meeting rooms, which have evolved into larger rooms that need larger screens, with a video wall in the boardroom that will allow all participants to see the content more comfortably.