Latin America. In these last two years, organizations had to respond and adapt quickly to the new challenges that came with the health crisis: new models of commerce, work and operation, which accelerated their digital transformation processes in an effort to stay in the market and build a future.
Although the advances were enormous, this trend will extend during 2022 but with a difference: the leaders of the companies are trying to leave the actions that were initially reactive and motivated by the abrupt changes, to move to the development of proactive and strategic initiatives of medium and long term.
According to the seventh edition of the Vision SMEs survey conducted by Brother International Corporation[1], 46.5% of entrepreneurs in Ecuador and Colombia said that the pandemic increased the level of investment in office technology of their company. This shows that what began as an attempt to solve immediate problems has become in a short time an opportunity for companies to prioritize innovation in technology, quickly change platforms and create new value offers that allow them to be more competitive in the market.
All these changes have become unique opportunities to rebuild a better world, which will involve broadening the definition of value, that is, it is not only about measuring financial success but how people are thriving, what is the impact on the environment, greater inclusion and diversity, among others.
Below, we share some expert tips for small and medium-sized companies to take into account in their digital transformation process.
Corporate Values and Digital DNA: According to Jason Acuña*, founder and CTO of Outer Space Coders, a technology company focused on web and mobile development based in Costa Rica, "to succeed, management must first foster an approach that prioritizes digital and that this is reflected in all areas of the organization. It is important to adopt an organizational culture that is prepared for digital transformation and that promotes innovation to achieve greater efficiency in meeting goals and objectives."
Expand the definition of value generation: Alejandro Carbonell*, CEO and co-founder of Tutorez, an online education platform based in Panama, mentions that now businesses must be aware that the way they consume is changing and people care much more about the environment, society and the planet, so they expect to see these values genuinely reflected in brands and that they are not only part of their advertising.
Hybrid working environment: For Astrid Encarnación*, founder of Ases Services, a services firm dedicated to the organization and strategic development of companies and professionals, based in the Dominican Republic, it is essential to implement a work model that combines the best of face-to-face and virtuality to raise the productivity of the company and ensure the well-being of employees.
Embracing the cloud in your processes: If you haven't yet implemented using the cloud to save information and work there, it's time to do so. According to Astrid Encarnación*, there are many options that could improve the collaborative actions of your company, improving communication and the management of your services.
Cybersecurity: Along with advances in digitalization, computer criminals have improved their maneuvers and have taken advantage of the wide use of the Internet to increase the theft of information from users and companies around the world. Fortunately, Latin American SMEs have understood the need to strengthen their digital security and that is why, according to the latest edition of the Visión Pymes survey, 1 in 3 entrepreneurs plans to invest next year in software tools that improve their cybersecurity.
Digitalization is no longer exclusive to large companies or those that work in the technological area, but has become an indispensable factor for all companies that want to remain in force over time, so it is important that the leaders of SMEs develop long-term transformation proposals, encouraging creativity and flexibility in their teams to be more efficient.