Latin America. Green computing, digital literacy, economic, social and organized cybercrime, virtual reality in classrooms, social networks as virtual stores... Digitalization marks the roadmap for progress in the coming years.
Experts from the Open University of Catalonia, UOC, explain the trends in e-learning, marketing, e-health, technology, digital art and communication.
1- E-learning
Hybrid teaching, the training of students in transversal competences, the new accreditation modalities or the reinforcement of lifelong learning are some of the aspects that will continue to gain strength in the coming months. Experts in online learning from the UOC's eLearn Center reveal the eight trends in e-learning that we will see in 2022.
2- Communication
Has a new consumer been born in the wake of the pandemic? What values will mark the 2022 campaigns? Will enthusiasm for the digital environment increase or decrease? In short, what novelties and opportunities will we see in the field of communication? Professors of the UOC's Information and Communication Sciences Studies reveal five communication opportunities that will be consolidated or will arrive next year.
3- Technology
Will we still talk about cybercrime or NFT? Will we get used to reading news about cloud, edge and fog computing? Professors from the UOC's Technological Observatory of Computer, Multimedia and Telecommunications Studies present ten technological trends that will be protagonists next year: computer security, green computing, robotics, responsible artificial intelligence, blockchain, anti-technology movements, etc.
4- Digital health
Including the patient's perspective in research and evaluation, moving towards universal health coverage or incorporating ethics as a fundamental principle in the management of health data are some of the processes that will be extended next year in the field of digital health. Professors of the master's degree in Digital Health (E-health) and researchers from the UOC's eHealth Center explain the main lines of research of technology applied to health during 2022.
5- Marketing
During 2022, the trends in marketing that have been demonstrating their potential and growth in recent years will be consolidated. Marketing professors at the UOC give clues to the future of a sector in which the digitalization and hybridization of research methodologies will be strengthened, user-generated content will be promoted or the use of social networks such as virtual stores will be increased.
6- Art
The lowering of costs and the popularization of technology allow immersive art (not to be confused with interactive art) to be crowned as the great trend of the artistic sphere in 2022. Professors of the Arts and Humanities Studies of the UOC give clues to the route and future of this artistic proposal, in which the viewer is fully involved in the work and is part of it.
Text published by the Open University of Catalonia, UOC.