Latin America. The progress that technology has brought with it in the clinical field has allowed a remarkable advance within the diagnostic processes, which indisputably becomes the quality of the studies and the current life expectancy. The conditions within the clinical area can be extremely overwhelming for patients and health personnel, so technological advances focused on this sector must take into account optimizing processes, with the vision of both sectors.
To achieve the optimization of workspaces, Hal Wolf, President and CEO of the Society for Healthcare Information Systems and Management (HIMSS), mentions the importance of "innovating in the delivery of services through the patient approach, with the integration of tools and technology that provide effectiveness to their comprehensive health care needs when and where they currently demand it."
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the effectiveness of teamwork in the operating room is a necessity, not a luxury: the best equipment has better results. The importance of medical device management in contributing to the delivery of quality healthcare is therefore recognized. Technologies that focus on visual collaboration within the clinical area must respond to maximizing the communication process within workspaces. According to Barco's briefing paper, Health Ecosystem Transformation: Preview, coordinated by Hal Wolf, the three main examples of innovation by technology are raised:
Create patient-centered clinical workflows using visual collaboration tools.
The health sector is characterized by working uninterruptedly, for staff the advances that enhance collaboration flows represent an organizational approach to the reduction of time, operational improvements, and processes that benefit doctors and patients in the same way. For this reason, clinics and hospitals have been concerned with turning their data into actionable information, which allows collaboration between their work teams, recognizing that the use of technology has improved the relationship between trends and efficiency between collaboration through communicative spaces.
The collaboration tools in this sense, gain greater strength since it gives the sector, an overview of the situations and therefore a better response capacity towards patients. The teams that best exemplify how collaboration in health services should be carried out are those that not only offer efficient care at the moment of action, but those that are prepared with strategies before any emergency occurs.
Improve clinical and IT workflows by ensuring the privacy, quality, availability, and security of diagnostic imaging data, wherever it is accessed.
Mike Sklar, Barco's Vice President of Healthcare for the Americas, said: "Automated workflows can continuously calibrate displays. The always-on approach ensures compliance, regularly updates software, and can diagnose security issues or threats regardless of device location." In such a way that Barco's technologies have followed the main axis of providing in an innovative way the capacity for collaborative work as a key to success in healthcare.
The integration of technologies that allow greater flows of information with immediate response, improves human interaction between the work team, even remotely, since remotely health experts can participate and contribute to diagnoses and interventions. This new sense of automated workflows requires the balance and security of IT systems capable of guaranteeing the immersion of all members, responding to the quality, security and privacy of the data.
Process automation must respond to monitoring remotely on devices and displays; detect security, compliance or quality issues in real time; and automatically respond to them across the organization. Clinical flexibility is seen as a great ally so that through systematization resources are redistributed more efficiently.
Create greater physician satisfaction and better patient outcomes by allowing remote readings.
The conditions that the current world is going through has managed to constitute the field of health with a new approach in which the walls of hospitals no longer limit the formation of the work team, the remote system allows everyone to have access to the same data and a common context to discuss treatment and care plans, that offers the health sector the constitution of a reputation through the care they offer beyond their location.
Remote work does not limit collaboration, on the contrary, it guarantees more optimal and flexible working conditions, in addition to organizations can reduce expenses on site and reuse valuable space; greater control over the environment and the satisfaction of a better clinical experience towards patients.
In conclusion, the adoption of technologies within the clinical field is vital to respond to the new needs of patients and staff in the sector, in addition to its constitution as the pillar of collaboration to improve existing strategies. For this reason, the sense of solutions that provide tools for an effective team, not only within the operating room, but throughout the preoperative route will be indispensable for their considerable efforts to understand the way teams work within the route of surgical care and to improve joint work.
Text written by: Francisco Fandiño, Director of Sales Latin America at Barco.