Latin America. AVIXA elected the new members of its 2023 Board of Directors and Leadership Selection Committee. Latin America will continue to play a leading role on the association's board of directors. Martín Saúl, CEO of Icap Global and who had been serving as vice president of the board of directors of AVIXA, will assume the presidency of the same.
Jatan Shah, President and Chief Operating Officer of QSC, has been elected as Secretary-Treasurer of the Board by AVIXA members. AVIXA members have also elected Nyere Hollingsworth, Director of Collaboration and Productivity at Grainger, and Dorothy Di Stefano, founder and director of Molten Immersive Art.
In addition, the Leadership Selection Committee (LSC) appointed Brad Sousa, CTO of AVI Systems, and Bren Walker, partner and founding director of Integrated Systems Design, Kirkegaard, to the AVIXA Board of Directors.
Mike Brandes, Director of Product Marketing for Q-SYS Video Solutions, QSC, has been elected to the Leadership Selection Committee. In addition, Sam Phenix, Chairman of the Board of Directors, has appointed Monique Rezaei, Americas Channel Sales Director, Microsoft Teams Rooms Devices, at Microsoft, and Graeme Harrison, Vice President and General Manager, Bluesound Professional, to the Leadership Selection Committee.
Here is the full list of AVIXA Board of Directors for 2023:
LSC President: Samantha (Sam) Phenix, Magwire, Phenix Consulting
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Martín Saul, ICAP Global
Vice President: Cathryn Lai, OpenBet
Secretary-Treasurer: Jatan Shah, QSC
Directors: Dorothy Di Stefano, Molten Immersive Art; Nyere Hollingsworth, Grainger; Michelle Grabel-Komar, Full Compass Systems; Tze Tze Lam, Electro-Acoustics Systems; Dena Lowery, Opus Agency; Mradul Sharma 3CDN Workplace Tech; Brad Sousa, AVI Systems; and Bren Walker, Kirkegaard.
"AVIXA is pleased to welcome the new leaders to our Board of Directors and Leadership Selection Committee," said David Labuskes, CTS, CAE, RCDD, AVIXA Chief Executive Officer. "These people bring a wide range of viewpoints from different parts of the industry and the world. We are fortunate to have such a talented group to guide our partnership forward in support of the global audiovisual community."
AVIXA thanked outgoing Chair of the Leadership Selection Committee and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVIXA, Jon Sidwick, of Collabtech Group, and outgoing Board Members, Tobias Lang of Lang AG, and Alexandra Rosen, of GoDaddy.
AVIXA also recognized and thanked the contributions of outgoing LSC members Susana Alvarez of Newtech Solutions Multimedia SA, Cassie Berger of Shure Incorporated and Bill Fons of PTG Promotion Technology Group.