Colombia. The Colombian government sanctioned Law 2450 of 2025, which establishes a new regulatory framework that combats those who abuse noise and establishes fines and sanctions.
The new legislation establishes tools and guidelines for the formulation of an Acoustic Quality Policy in the country, guaranteeing an environment free of the harmful impacts of noise. It also highlights the importance of protecting flora and fauna, especially birds that inhabit the green areas of cities and municipalities, from the adverse effects of excessive noise.
The objective of the Acoustic Quality Policy is to strengthen the inter-institutional evaluation and management of the different actors, define responsibilities, as well as promote the reduction of noise pollution in order to guarantee the control of the impacts generated by it on health, the environment, fauna, coexistence, occupational health, etc. among others.
The law recognizes that certain activities generate noise as an inherent part of their nature. Therefore, it contemplates specific exceptions for cultural, sports, and recreational events, as long as they comply with mitigation measures and respect the established limit values. This includes prior permissions, controlled schedules, and the use of noise reduction technologies where possible.
In cases of behaviors that affect tranquility in urban and residential environments, people may go to the police authorities since the law creates a fine for affecting coexistence due to noise. This includes parties, gatherings, use of machines, and other means of noise production. For the above, the police are empowered to deactivate noise sources and impose fines of up to sixteen (16) current legal minimum daily wages (smdlv). (According to levels defined by the MADS and measurement mechanism defined by the Ministry of Defense).
In the case of the affectation to the tranquility in the space or that being a private activity transcends the public (disrespecting wake rooms, clinics, hospitals, libraries and museums, among others), the police authorities are also empowered to deactivate the sources of noise and impose a fine of up to sixteen (16) current legal minimum daily wages (smdlv). (According to levels defined by the MADS and measurement mechanism defined by Min Defensa.
The Law also contemplates special fines for the behavior of organizers of activities that involve complex crowds of public, and that affect coexistence due to noise. These fines range from 100 to 500 legal monthly minimum wages in force, depending on the capacity of the event.
After the enactment of the Law, the government will have 18 months to regulate it.
To learn about Law 2450, click here.
To learn about the ABCs of Law 2450, click here.