The firm Análisis de Sistemas was in charge of integrating the audiovisual and air conditioning systems into a single control platform, providing a fully automated space. This challenge, assumed by this company and successfully completed, allows that today the training area of The ABN AMRO Bank of Uruguay has two conference rooms with two integrated systems.
The adaptation of these rooms was carried out in 2001, when there was still no solution available on the market that could execute this integration between the two systems. For this reason, Análisis de Sistemas had to carry out the adaptation in a very ingenious, almost homemade way, as explained by Ariel Fabius and Tabaré Pérez, representatives of the firm.
To meet the need of the bank authorities to centralize the air conditioning system and the audio and video system under the same platform, the integrators opted for the installation of an AMX Axcent 3 system, connected to ViewPoint control terminals with RF link; in addition to a PICK processor (computing environment that allows several users to share the same computer and a database of great characteristics) that, being programmable and having its own serial doors, greatly simplified the development of the interface between the AMX and the air conditioning control system. Thus, from the same console that manages the projector, switchers and audio, the air conditioning system can also be controlled.
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.