International. Since the development of its first light bulb, Philips has been working on innovations that are meaningful to people, such as technologies that will make healthcare more affordable and accessible, energy-efficient LED lighting solutions that improve people's well-being and make the world more sustainable, as well as locally relevant consumer products and services.
This centenary is significant, as it is a very important item within the company. In 2012 alone, Philips invested more than €1.8 billion in research and development; a significant percentage of this is invested in the company's research organization.
"Research-driven innovations are a vital element at Philips. We are passionate about creating, partnering, and applying technology to help people succeed. Through ambitious innovation goals that relate to the major challenges people face, we inspire our scientists and partners to jointly create impactful solutions that matter to people," said Henk van Houten, CEO of Philips Research.
The company's founders created the Philips Research Laboratory in 1914, whose research focused on the discovery of new light sources, as well as radio and electronics technology. Today, Philips Research operates globally and spans six international destinations in North America, Europe and Asia, headquartered in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. What sets Philips Research apart is its interdisciplinary approach to innovation.
Philips Research has been instrumental in several key innovations that marked the first decades of the last century: the Rotalix X-ray tube, which was a breakthrough in the fight against tuberculosis; the first Philips radio connected people on different continents and shaped the way music was heard ; The pioneering Philips shave rotary electric razor has been a flagship product since its introduction in 1939. Subsequently, innovations such as the first compact audio cassette in 1963 and the first compact disc (CD) in 1982 followed.
More recently, Philips' research expertise has contributed to the Philips HUE custom wireless lighting system, the Philips Smart Air Purifier and a wide range of connected patient monitoring solutions along with advanced clinical decision support tools that enable remote and night monitoring, they testify to how Philips is a leader in innovation in the digital world to find new perspectives and bring value and meaning to people.