Latin America. D2L announced that Teacher Up to Date selected Brightspace for "Your Class, Your Country," its new virtual learning platform. The agreement signed between D2L and Tu Clase, Tu País – which began in September 2014 – will last for three years.
Tu Clase, Tu País uses Brightspace's D2L Learning Environment, D2L Wiggio, D2L Insights and D2L Course Catalog solutions to make its virtual learning platform more accessible to teachers.
"Tu clase, Tu País" is a social entrepreneurship initiative that contributes to the quality of education by supporting teachers to find a space for professional development that takes care of the difficulties and challenges they face. The Tu Clase, Tu País platform works with public and private organizations to offer quality and relevant content in order to propose an innovative and effective learning experience.
The initiative to support teachers, as of December 2014, already has a presence in Chile, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic. In Chile Tu Clase, Tu País works directly with the Ministry of Education to train primary and secondary school teachers using the Brightspace platform that creates a data-driven learning path to support the unique needs of teachers to grow, learn, teach and collaborate with other teachers in order to raise the quality of education in each of the Latin American countries where Tu Clase, Your country has a presence. In Venezuela and the Dominican Republic, the work is carried out in partnership with the Cisneros Foundation.
"To support significant changes in education in Latin America, through the strengthening of teachers, Tu Clase, Tu País hopes to contribute to the development of public policies in some of our countries, by facilitating access to aggregated data in real time on strengths, weaknesses, interests and expectations of our teachers," said Eugenio Severín, co-founder and executive director of Tu Clase, Your Country. "In 2015 we want to reach at least 50,000 teachers in Latin America and from that figure double the number of users every year for the next three years."
The professional development proposal of Tu Clase, Tu País for teachers is organized around the experience of real teachers who share their 'know-how' in a collaborative network, personalized training, based on competencies and networking; all this, using the Virtual Environment of Brightspace.