Mexico. Audio-Technica has introduced two new configurations of its popular System 10 PRO ATW-1366 rackmount digital wireless system with microphone/surface transmitter and the System 10 PRO ATW-1377 rackmount digital wireless system with microphone desktop transmitter.
Previously, the System 10 ATW-T1006 microphone/surface transmitter and the System 10 ATW-T1007 desktop microphone transmitter were available as individual components, as integrators/contractors usually provide these parts separately to configure a system. To simplify the ordering process, Audio-Technica has decided to offer the transmitters and receivers together as ready-to-use packages.
The ATW-1366 configuration includes the ATW-RC13 rackmount receiver chassis, two ATW-RU13 receiver units, and two System 10 ATW-T1006 microphones/transmitters. The ATW-1377 configuration includes the ATW-RC13 rackmount receiver chassis, two ATW-RU13 receiver units, and two System 10 ATW-T1007 microphone desktop transmitters.
In the words of Gary Boss, Director of Marketing/Professional Markets at Audio-Technica U.S., Inc., "When we originally introduced the ATW-T1006 and ATW-T1007 transmitters, we anticipated that they would be used primarily by professional installers and integrators, accustomed to purchasing component wireless solutions. Following the launch, we saw an increase in requests from home users and customers who prefer the convenience and ease of purchasing systems in a complete ready-to-use package."