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A positive outlook is in sight

José Carsellé Ezquerra, our Professional of the month in this edition of avi latinoamérica magazine, is the first-line architect of the success and positioning in the Mexican industry of the company Cine en Casa (Centro de Audio, Video y Comunicaciones S.A. de C.V.).

By: Santiago Jaramillo H.

Our professional of the month in this edition was born in Mexico City on October 15, 1974, studied Electronic Engineering and Communications, according to him, seeking to flee from computer programming, since he has always been more interested in "iron, arming and disassembling things".

José Carsellé Ezquerra made his first steps in the profession in 1994, while he was in his second semester of university career, when he formally founded Mr. PC, a company dedicated, at that time, to the assembly of computer equipment for high performance applications.

As for his link with the audio and video industry as such, Carsellé Ezquerra recognizes that his first contact was doing professional internships at the Virtual University of Tecnológico de Monterrey in the satellite transmission booth of the State of Mexico Campus, where he worked giving technical support, but often made replacements to the scholarship holders of the educational institution operating the cameras, the switcher or audio console.

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Currently, our guest is still in charge of Mr. PC, and the company provides the services of sale, installation, support and maintenance of computer equipment and networks both for Cine en Casa (Centro de Audio, Video y Comunicaciones S.A. de C.V.), and for its integration and automation projects.

This alliance gave Cine en Casa a strength in the IP world, which in 2003, when they began to work together, was just beginning to touch the world of audio, video and automation, but today it is presented as something essential.

"At the beginning of 2003 there was a very strong recession in the computer equipment market in Mexico (and I think all over the world), work was very scarce and in Cine en Casa they had the need to 'replace' an AMX programmer who was leaving the company, and that was how the opportunity to join my current work group presented itself, "- recognized our guest.

Likewise, Carsellé accepted that he recently joined Cine en Casa and took AMX programming courses and took charge of all the programming of the new projects. In the same way he has received courses in videoconferencing (Polycom), network security (Fortinet), wireless networks (Proxim), digital audio (Biamp) and audio design (Bose).

However, he recognizes that his greatest trainer in the audio and video industry is Infocomm: "First I obtained together with my brother the CTS certification in Mexico City in August 2006, from there we began in 2007 the preparation for the CTS-D and we got the certification in September 2007, being the first Latin Americans to do so", said José Carsellé, who believes that staying up-to-date when it comes to new products and technologies is the key to success in this industry.

A family man

Carsellé Ezquerra, who considers himself a very familiar man, has been married for seven years to Clara Patiño, but before that they shared seven more years of boyfriends. Both are the parents of the greatest joy of this home, Elijah, a little one of one year of age, who according to his father appears twice as much due to his size and great eloquence.

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On the other hand, this representative of the company Cine en Casa recognizes that he is a fan of extreme sports, although he does not currently practice them. For now, as he himself accepts, with the hustle and bustle of work and home he only has time left to run and play a little Wii.

Commitment to quality and good service

Regarding what are the objectives that a person linked to an audio and video company must set, Carsellé assures that "we must definitely achieve a commitment to the quality of the service and products that are being offered, and give a solution tailored to the client, since many times what the company wants to sell is offered, without thoroughly investigating the user's needs. You also have to open the eyes of the client, since many times he does not know the potential of the solutions that can be offered and only asks for what he needs at the moment and does not see the future, so it is our responsibility as 'people educated in technology' to explain what he can do with the solution we are offering him", Pointed out.

As for the crisis that is still being experienced in most companies in the countries of the Latin American area, our Professional of the Month assures that "despite the crisis we have not stopped having work, of course there was a considerable drop in the workload, but we did not stop having projects and contributions," he said.

Regarding the future prospects, Carsellé indicated that "these days projects have already begun to be released and it seems that the year will close almost normally, but for 2010 we expect a considerable growth of both residential and corporate projects," he said.

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Business success

Our guest believes that the success of your company is due to factors such as continuous training, strategic alliances, prompt response, quality of service, total integration of the project and personalized attention to the end user.

Therefore, in large part, there has been an enormous diversification in the markets served by the company Cine en Casa.

"There has been an impressive change, before only a few projects were done for very large companies and they were very expensive, while now we do many projects a month, although of a smaller budget. This is because the technology has dropped a lot in price and installation costs and profit margins have been reduced due to the growth of competition, "said José Carsellé, who also accepted that a market that has grown significantly in recent years is the business market, which to a greater extent seeks to provide its facilities with audiovisual equipment.

Finally, this representative of the Mexican industry highlights that the biggest threat he sees "is the lack of knowledge of the IT area (information technologies) in the A/V industry, and that now IT companies are wanting to cover more in their facilities and are beginning to invade our territory, while we should be looking to invade theirs. I think that very few A/V companies are prepared for the technological convergence that is taking place in our industry, we increasingly need data networks to connect our equipment or use voice over IP or even control IP equipment or stream video, "he concluded.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Richard Santa, RAVTEmail: [email protected]
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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