One of the great challenges of family businesses is to achieve a successful generational replacement, so that the effort and strength of their founders is not lost through the decades. An example of this achievement is the story of Andréa Evangelista.
By: Víctor Galvis
The greatness of a founder is not only in creating a company, but in handing over the baton to the next generation. And that's how Andréa Evangelista was entering the world of the audiovisual market, joining the company founded by her father, whom she defines as an "innovative and creative person who always believed in the audio and video market".
With an experience of 24 years, this woman born in Sao Paulo, a professional in business administration, has earned the respect and recognition of her colleagues and clients, not only in the Brazilian market but in latin America.
And it is that if something has characterized Andréa is to collaborate in all areas of her company, a place where according to her there is no routine, and where a meticulous accompaniment is made to all sectors: customer service, suppliers, sales team, marketing, production, etc.
In the case of a family business, its work pillars could not be other; Andréa works together with her brother Fábio and her mother Maria Lúcia Evangelista.
"I actively participate in decision-making and in all stages of production of our company; I work together as my brother in the creation of products and the design of industrial machinery, for the manufacture of new equipment."
And since everything starts at home, on a personal level it could not be otherwise, Andréa is a family woman, "I am married and I have two wonderful daughters"; In addition, she confesses that she is a great admirer of the MPB (Brazilian popular music), fond of movies and practitioner of Pilates.
A company and an open door market
Projetelas was created in 1986, to cover the audiovisual communication market, under the values of quality, punctuality and respect for the client. As it grew, it was externalizing its philosophy and sharing its success with other institutions.
Recently, Projetelas made an agreement with Rede Record in the television program of Rodrígo Faro on the national network, where he helped him promote a popular cinema within the heliopólis favela for poor people. According to Andréa "it was something very rewarding, both professionally and for the human aspect".
On the other hand, our Professional of the Month explains that in the market there is an atmosphere of good competition, of companies interested in satisfying the client with a high-end equipment, at an adequate price and through excellent service.
"The relationship with our collaborators is extremely friendly and focused on competitiveness in the audiovisual market, where everyone puts on the suit to fulfill a single purpose: to sell more and more audiovisual products," explained the Projetelas businesswoman.
Your perspective of the local and foreign market
Taking advantage of Andréa Evangelista's experience, we inquired for her point of view on the AV market in the region.
As for Brazil, in recent years, a combination of government initiatives and the increased interest of television channel distributors in national production injected more money into the area and increased the number of audiovisual productions in the country. All this has generated good business opportunities.
According to her, the audiovisual market in Brazil has been growing more and more, driven among other reasons by being the host country of major international events in the last decade.
Faced with this, "I see with good eyes the growth of national demand for sophisticated Brazilian products of the audiovisual segment, taking advantage of the moment of the appreciation of the dollar against the real, in the economic scenario, which prevents, at least temporarily, the predatory and unequal Chinese competition.
Latin America as a whole, is in a more mature commercial phase, where the Chinese price is no longer imposed so much in certain segments, where guarantee and durability are sought.
"I hear it said that Projetelas established itself as a national leader in sales of projection screens, precisely for offering a product with a fair price, sales coverage throughout the national territory, adequate guarantee and excellent quality and durability.
The industrial evolution of the audiovisual market in Brazil is in full harmony with the technological innovations of the world market, notably with the arrival of Tablets and SmartPhones.
The sales of these devices in Brazil have increased this decade, according to the Brazilian Association of Electrical and Electronic Industry (Abinee) last year there was a growth in sales of SmartPhones of 27% and in the years 2012 and 2013, the sale of Tablets grew by 186% and 157% respectively.
"Our goal is to be fully aligned with the facilities brought by the new generation of SmartPhones, where automation with other products is completed with the ease of the touch keyboard," said Andréa.
What's next
For Andréa Evangelista, growth does not stop, "the objective for our collaborators is the constant updating of relationships, providing them with the new communication tools that appear every day in new computational technologies".
In the same way, "the objective with our customers is to give him the satisfaction as a consumer of a Projetelas product, so that he becomes a natural marketing instrument by identifying a friend to buy with us," he concludes.