Friday, 10 December 2010 09:22
After two years of operation, the ETIC innovation center promoted by the multinational Microsoft in Arrasate (Guipúzcoa) has begun to bear fruit with applications of embedded technology such as a "smart" bus shelter that detects the arrival of the traveler, plays music, turns on the light and informs about transport itineraries and other services.
The objective of the Arrasate center, in which 14 researchers and engineers work, is to provide companies with devices that help them diversify their products and open up to new markets thanks to innovation. The first example is the two "smart" bus stop canopies built by the local company Arrasate Kristaldegia and installed in the town of Alto Deba. The canopy detects when a traveler enters it, turns on lights and plays music, in addition to having integrated into the glass a screen with buttons in which the user can find out about the itineraries of buses and other services.
The innovation center in embedded technologies ETIC, which takes its name from its formula in English (Embedded Technologies Innovation Center) is promoted by Microsoft and has the Mondragón Corporation, the Diputación de Guipúzcoa and GAIA (the Basque Cluster of Electronic and Information Technologies) as promoting partners, while Ikerlan and the universities of Mondragón and Deusto also collaborate on the project.