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Latin Press and InfoComm announce launch of a/v integration magazine for Latin America

[Miami, USA] Latin Press and InfoComm International® announce the launch of AVI Latinoamérica - the Spanish language magazine, website and newsletter for the commercial & home systems integration markets of Latin America focusing on audio, video and lighting.

To be published quarterly in 2008, AVI Latinoamérica will serve as Latin American Media Parter for InfoComm and will reach 10,000 audio/video + lighting professionals throughout the region. The first issue closes February 15 and will be in circulation in mid-March, 2008. The website will go live November 10, 2007.

Producer of business magazines, websites and conferences for Latin America, Latin Press is based in Miami, USA with offices in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, and currently produces seven (7) Spanish language business-to-business publication with a total 70,000+ audited circulation. Additionally, the firm produces a bi-weekly rich-data subscription service on hotel construction and renovation projects.

InfoComm International® is the leading non-profit association serving the professional AV communications industry worldwide. Founded in 1939, the association offers industry expertise and market research serving press and others seeking information about the industry.

"We are very pleased to reach this agreement with InfoComm," said Max Jaramillo, Publisher & President of Latin Press. "There are many areas of cooperation where our interests coincide. A/V systems integrators and contractors are in need of information, and with InfoComm we will be poised to produce a high quality product to suit their needs."

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"On behalf of InfoComm, I am also pleased to work with Latin Press and their new publication - AVI Latinoamérica," said Rodrigo Casassus Coke, InfoComm Regional Manager for Latin America & the Caribbean. "The partnership will help us expand the reach of the association throughout the region and increase our membership."

For further information, please contact:


Advertising Opportunities:

Sebastián Fernández, Assoc. Publisher
Latin Press, Inc.
2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 200
Miami, FL 33145
Tel: +1 [305] 285 - 3133, Ext. 71
mail: [email protected]

Membership Opportunities:

Rodrigo Casassus Coke, Reg. Manager for Latin America & the Caribbean
InfoComm International
11242 Waples Mill Road, Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030
Tel: +1 [703] 273 - 7200, Ext. 3200
Email: [email protected]

- Publicidad -

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