After the affectation of life in general due to the pandemic in 2020, of which the AV industry has not been an outsider, 2021 has allowed to begin a recovery as global vaccination advances and herd immunity is achieved.
Although the unfortunate human and economic losses will not be forgotten, the way forward begins to be a little more promising and with the audiovisual industry as the protagonist. More and more countries are lifting restrictions for mass events, which will allow to reactivate one of the most dynamic and affected sectors of this industry, live events.
In addition, with the return to offices, study and hybrid jobs and education, there are new demands for professional audiovisual solutions that begin to grow, hand in hand with communication needs in an accelerated digitalization.
The manufacturers and integrators with whom I have had the opportunity to talk throughout 2021, are positive about the recovery of the market, hoping to close the year with the figures similar to those they had in 2019, before the arrival of the pandemic.
This second semester will be key in the recovery of Latin America, hand in hand with accelerated vaccination and that we can finally overcome this health situation. For now, extreme care must continue to be taken to allow a quick return to normality.