More and more churches and houses of worship are making use of audiovisual technology to accompany religious services and bring their message to more parishioners in an innovative and attractive way. That is why the market in this segment has been growing significantly, especially in our region.
Today we find churches for thousands of people who have nothing to envy to the stages of great shows in terms of the audiovisual technology implemented. In addition, many of them have media production and transmission systems, both for closed television channels and AM and FM radio stations, as well as their own video and audio streaming.
The temples of the Catholic Church, predominant in Latin America, have been increasing the use of SOLUTIONS from the AV industry, especially audio and streaming. Although these spaces have a higher level of complexity for the intervention because many old buildings are listed as heritage.
Another aspect of common intervention in these ancient temples is the architectural lighting to highlight the beauty of the temple structures, as was recently done in the Cathedral of Mexico City.
Undoubtedly, this has become an important niche for the audiovisual industry and which the pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology in these spaces. We invite you to know the analysis carried out with experts of the