Dear readers. Thank you very much for dedicating a little of your valuable time in reading this editorial, a space in which you as readers and we as journalists can agree.
It is a real pleasure to present this first edition of AVI LATINOAMÉRICA, the first information medium for the audio, video and lighting industries for our region and which will be aimed primarily at integrators, installers and rental stores of these technologies for commercial purposes. However, the possibilities will grow as time goes by, so in the future we also hope to have many end users reading these pages, to contribute in this way to the culturization of the market.
AVI LATINOAMÉRICA will be divided into three fundamental sections: audio, video and lighting, from which we will try to provide the latest information on each of the topics mentioned. Likewise, there will be an opportunity for case studies and qualitative analyses of each segment, initially throughout Latin America, but in the future and when the possibilities allow it, we will try to know each market in the region.
In the news and products section, you, dear readers, will find information about "the move" of the industry, as well as reviews of the latest technology that brings us the market.
All this information is for you, so you can contact me at the mail [email protected]; feel free to suggest topics and approaches and we will gladly try to please you.
Additionally and to fulfill the commitment to keep you informed about the industry and its technology, we have at your disposal a monthly electronic newsletter, where you will find articles and reviews on important events; we also offer for you a podcast, in which we will be sharing interviews on topics of interest and current affairs, in the style of the best radio magazines.
Let this be the opportunity for us to begin to forge a relationship of friends. Remember that this magazine is made for you, but we would also like it to be made by each and every person who reads us. Thank you again for reading us and for letting us into your offices with this and each of our future editions.
Until next time.