One of the segments that has been gaining importance within the audiovisual industry and marking the growth in Latin America, has been the integration of residential AV systems.
That popular belief that AV integration for homes and the automation of different solutions was a topic only for the wealthiest, has been changing. With an increasing presence in the Latino market of companies that offer solutions for this segment and new developments, it is much easier for anyone to access and benefit from these services.
And these positive expectations are confirmed by professionals in the sector, as well as the latest market study by the North American association Cedia. It maintains that at the end of 2014 the segment will grow by 20% compared to the previous year.
Cloud-based content management, 4K screens and players, distributed audio and wireless amplifiers, are some of the factors that, from the technological point of view, are marking the growth. In addition, the economic development of most Latin American countries has been superior to other regions of the world.
In Latin America, the strongest countries in this segment are Mexico and Brazil. Although there are significant growths in Colombia, Chile and Central America.
For residential audiovisual integration to continue growing, it is necessary to further disseminate the options and benefits offered by these systems, as well as the ease of access to them from the technical and economic, so that end users stop seeing them as an unattainable luxury.
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