A new year begins in which we are all preparing to meet the challenges and professional resolutions that will allow the Latin American audiovisual industry to continue growing as it has been doing in recent years, at rates of 15% per year in accordance with the expectations indicated by InfoComm International.
In AVI LATINOAMÉRICA we also prepare to continue bringing you, our readers, the best information of this exciting industry. Therefore, for 2015 we have changed our sections and thus be in line with the realities of the industry.
From the first edition of this year, you will find new sections such as: Commercial Integration, Residential Integration, Live Events and Digital Signage, which will be added to the other existing ones such as Success Stories, Other Approaches and Professional of the month.
And as part of this new content, we will continue to deliver the rankings of companies in the audiovisual industry in our region. In this edition we present, for the first time, the Top 50 most important rental & staging companies in Latin America. And we are already preparing the second version of the Top 50 of the AV integrators with more recognition.
From the team that makes AVI LATINOAMÉRICA we are sure that with these changes the magazine in its eighth year of circulation, will continue to comply with the objective of bringing the best information about the Latin American AV industry, making known the solutions for the multiple areas it serves and, therefore, support the advancement of it.
Remember that I am attentive to your comments on the audiovisual industry in [email protected]