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Clear sky for LEDs

In shows and exhibitions of the industry it is increasingly frequent that LED screens are exhibited and launched. This article is a journey through the reality of these technologies in Latin America.

By: Héctor Gómez Pérez

Although at the beginning of this decade the first screens with LED technology were barely being announced, today brands such as Barco (Belgium), Lighthouse Technologies (Hong Kong) and the Japanese Hibino, Mitsubishi, Panasonic and Toshiba are the protagonists of the market of this type of technologies. In the corporate world and in the streets of many cities in Latin America, LED screens have been gaining a space as indicated for digital signage and the transmission of all kinds of content.

In addition to using the statistical data provided by the Internet portal, two invited experts in the field accompanied us on a tour that sought to analyze the imports of these equipment in 2008, the current situation of the technologies and their future projections. On behalf of Barco Brasil we have the participation of Ricardo Ferrari, business manager; of Lighthouse Technologies the guest was Adrián Morel, general manager for Latin America. Here's what we found.

This is how we are
Comparatively speaking, LED screens basically differ from LCDs and plasma by their market: while the last two point to the indoor market, in what has to do with exteriors LEDs boast supremacy, although they are also used indoors. In addition, its size is unlimited and its visibility, contrast and brightness is much better.

- Publicidad -

Regarding the countries that consume the most in Latin America this type of solutions, Ferrari responded that they are Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico. However, Morel said that "in general, all the countries in the region are importing LED screens, except Brazil. This is due to protectionist policies and high import taxes, which at the end of the sum ends up costing 80% more to import for Brazil." Although it must be remembered that Barco, unlike Lighthouse, does have a presence in Brazil, that is why the divergent opinion between both guests.

At this point it is important to rely on The Datamyne, where it was found that for 2008 (there are no consolidated figures for 2009), of the top 20 companies importing LED screens in Latin America (with the exception of Brazil and Mexico), based on the figure in dollars: seven were Chilean, six Colombian, three Argentine, two Uruguayan, while Ecuador and Peru had a company in the ranking. We will talk in more detail about this matter later.

The main buyers of these technologies are represented by companies dedicated to rent, fixed installation, entertainment, outdoor media and the corporate market. Ferrari highlighted Pemex (Petróleos de México) as one of the clients that for his company are located in this last characterization.

The Now and What's To Come
Although 2009 was a year in which the economic crisis stole the limelight in many industries, our two guests agreed on something about LED screens: it is a stable market with an upward trend. "2009 is being a better year than 2008," said Ricardo Ferrari.

For his part, Adrian Morel said that "this is a year that has been hit hard by the economic crisis in the United States since October 2008 and then influenza A in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. For these reasons, the comparison becomes difficult with the previous year. However, it can be said that the market remains stable and growing. Lighthouse has an annual sales share of $3 million in Latin America and that average continues to hold."

Regarding the current moment and what will come, Morel said that the economic crisis has postponed some projects, but there is always the possibility in the business that the sale will close after six months or even more. He also said that new markets have been opened, more than by the recession, by globalization that has made all countries want to have the technology that is already a leader in the first world. "For this reason, despite still being expensive, every day you see more projects in which LED technology is involved," he said.

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Although the use of LED screens is becoming increasingly popular due to factors such as fashion, imitation of what is consumed in other countries or more affordable prices, Adrian Morel considers that many customers have not valued the main reason for the use of this technology. According to him "the company that today does not invest in advertising with LEDs is doomed to disappear, because when they install a display next to billboards, or outdoor signs, the visual impact of LEDs is so great that all kinds of fixed signage goes to the background or often unnoticed".

The figures
If Table 1 is evaluated, which refers to the import of LED screens to Latin America in 2008, we find that among the top 20 places only one Ecuadorian company appears (of which there is no identification), but it occupies the first place both in terms of the number of imported equipment (247,509) and the amount of money invested (US $ 1,647,228). In turn, the appearance of seven Chilean and six Colombian companies stands out, which speaks of the apogee that technology is gradually acquiring in these two countries. Finally, it is particularly striking that in position 17 appears the Chilean company Automática y Regulación S.A with only 5 teams and an investment of US $ 166,200, a case similar to that of the Colombian Institute of Sport (position 23) that although it does not appear in the table it is worth highlighting since although only one team imported, its cost was US$99,873.

This shows the growth of technology in the region and the way IN WHICH LED screens are consolidated as an option for transmitting information, especially on public roads and open spaces.

Table 1

Richard Santa, RAVT
Richard Santa, RAVTEmail: [email protected]
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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