Mexico. Under the title "Effective presentations, captivate instead of convincing", a course will be held in which attendees will be able to acquire a better understanding about the different sales strategies, for effective presentations and effective business closings.
The course, organized by the Mexican Institute of Accounting, Administration and Finance, IMECAF, and Novotech, will have among its topics:
1. Effective prospecting.
• High impact Speach.
• Prospect qualification.
• Appointment arrangement.
2 Account preparation.
3 Approach.
4 Effective presentations (captivating rather than convincing).
5 Refutation of objections.
6 Effective closures.
This face-to-face course, which will have as a speaker Germán Zúñiga of the IMECAF, will be held on Thursday, April 20 at 9:30 am in the Naucalpan Showroom, located at Calle Calzada de la Naranja #166 int. 5E Alce Blanco, 53370 Naucalpan de Juárez, State of Mexico.
For more information and to register, click here.