Peru. With professionals from the main universities in Latin America and international specialists in technologies for the education sector, the Latin American Summit of Education and Technology - Education Summit 2017 was held in Peru, which was held from September 6 to 8 at the University of Lima.
This initiative of Sony and its main strategic partners, aimed to publicize the latest technological advances for the development of the education sector.
The program included seminars, workshops, a space with demonstration of solutions and guests from the industry, leading talks on 4K HDR Technology, Interactive Classrooms, Distance Education Applications, Room Automation, TV Studio Production, Audiovisual Resource Management, 4k Digital Cinema, among others.
"For Sony it is exciting to be able to coordinate a meeting of the main universities in Latin America in a unique event, where audiovisual technologies converge with the learning methodologies and modernization of the educational proposal," said Claudius Bezerra, Marketing Manager of Sony Professional Latin America.
Some of the educational institutions that participated in this conference were: Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), Universidad Anáhuac (Mexico), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), AIEP de la Universidad Andres Bello (Chile), Universidad Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Brazil), Universidad San Martin de Porras (Peru) and the host Universidad de Lima (Peru)
"This event brought together the main universities in Latin America in a Sony initiative for the region where through a program designed for the education sector, it offers benefits and direct communication with the brand," concluded Agustin Limón, Commercial Director of Sony Professional Latin America.