Latin America. The offer of professional training and updating proposed by AVIXA during the first months of the confinement forced by the pandemic, has been widely used by thousands of professionals in the industry of integration of audiovisual experiences in Latin America and Spain.
Together, the program of AVIXA Live refresher courses and seminars and the free temporary opening of the entire AVIXA educational catalog, add up to more than 3,000 Hispanic American participants who have decided to use part of their time to prepare on the various technical topics available and catch up with new technological trends.
The first season of AVIXA Live, held between April 7 and May 28, was made up of 16 online sessions that had the participation of 3,011 unique users. Many of them attended several sessions, which achieved a total of 8,102 attendees for an average of 500 people connected to each of the courses and presentations that touched on topics such as projection, mapping, system design, audio processing and digital signage, as well as trends and audiovisual solutions for spaces such as sports stadiums, religious temples or shopping malls.
Due to its great acceptance, the teams of AVIXA Latin America and AVIXA Spain have decided to schedule a second season of AVIXA Live, which will begin next Tuesday, June 30 with the seminar on "IP Production solutions and Field Production", given by Ricaurte Guevara, from Panasonic Latin America.
For those who have missed any of the contents or wish to review them once again, AVIXA has made available more than 30 hours of recordings, which can be consulted through a free registration available at this link.
For its part, the educational catalog of AVIXA, available temporarily and free of charge, from March until June 12, for all members of the association, has been used by more than 21 thousand people worldwide, who have taken at least one of the courses or trainings available online. On a regular basis, access to these educational contents has a special rate or is part of the benefits of AVIXA memberships that require an annual payment.
Of the total number of Hispanic American professionals who took at least one course, 744 correspond to the different countries of Latin America and 231 to Spain. When adding the courses and trainings carried out by these participants, a total of 3,022 are reached, of which 2,134 were taken by Latin Americans and 888 by Spaniards.
In Latin America, the interest was mostly divided among professionals from six countries: Mexico with 49.9% of the certificates obtained, followed by Colombia 19.2%, Brazil 13.4%, Argentina 7.4%, Peru 5.6% and Chile 4.5%.
An example of the great interest of the members of the audiovisual experience integration industry to use the time available for the suspension of activities in a positive way is that of the Peruvian company Dacer Soluciones Tecnológicas, whose members decided to make an extraordinary commitment to take advantage of all the educational resources of AVIXA. To date, among the 13 people of the Dacer team have added 306 certificates for the courses and trainings of the AVIXA educational program. Carlos Andrés Reynoso, in charge of facilities, with 71 certificates and Carlos Alberto González, commercial advisor, who added 42 courses.
"From the first day of the quarantine, we decided to develop a training plan based on AVIXA's educational resources and completed with courses from several manufacturers," says Alfredo Pereda, general manager of Dacer. "Our goal was to achieve the certifications that we had pending and that we had not previously achieved due to lack of time. We know that having certified staff will allow us to make a difference when presenting a project to a client, so we focus as a team on this goal."
For her part, Margarita Reyes Canchola, CEO of the company G4 Audio y Video, comments that the availability of the free courses of the AVIXA educational program has been very useful as a motivational tool for its employees during the confinement in Mexico City. "We have implemented recognitions for those who manage to take more courses and we also see that colleagues with more experience help those who encounter an obstacle to move forward with a particular issue," says the Mexican directive.
AVIXA's educational offer was available free of charge until June 12.