Latin America. ConsorcioTec, Ventas de Seguridad and AVI Latinoamérica invite you to participate in the Online Conference for Integrators, which on June 23 will bring the theme "Achieve success with a well-defined business purpose".
In this talk learn how to obtain a better connection with your customers and collaborators and achieve greater operational efficiency in the different dependencies of your company to achieve success in your businesses as integrators.
Heriberto Gomes, Director of Dualis Consulting for Central America and the Caribbean, will be the presenter of this space. Dualis Consulting is a business consulting firm specializing in analyzing your business as a whole, which has been recognized for the fourth consecutive year as one of the top 15 consulting firms in Miami. Heriberto is a Venezuelan of Portuguese descent, based in Costa Rica. Entrepreneur from a very young age. With specialization in marketing and sales. He writes a monthly column on business and entrepreneurship in the newspaper Guanacaste a la Altura.
This space will also have the participation of Max Jaramillo, Chief Integrator Advocate of ConsorcioTec, who will explain what ConsorcioTec is and will talk about the advances of this group to date.
This event will be held at 10:00 a.m.(Colombia/Mexico time). To register for free click on the following link: