Latin America. Christie introduced the Mirage SST, a pure laser RGB projector with a 50,000 lumens light source. With the same small and flexible form factor of the original 35,000 lumens Mirage SST, the new 50,000 lumens model doubles down on brightness to ensure the viewer an unforgettable visual experience.
The Mirage SST comes with an ultra-compact, fiber-coupled projection head of less than 51 kilograms, and with a remote light source that can be placed at a distance of up to 50 meters from the head. It is a solution designed specifically for complex applications that require a high-brightness projector with maximum image fidelity, but that have space limitations. We are talking about spaces that lack a projection booth, outdoor spaces protected from the weather, or places where silent operation is important and difficult to achieve with other means.
"The new Mirage SST is a powerful solution in a small package," said Larry Paul, christie's executive director of technology and custom solutions. "With the cooling equipment and light source installed away from the projection head, and the ultra-reduced power of 2501 BTU, it offers the user a flexible and silent solution for theme parks, spectacular projection mappings, domes and planetariums."
And to make the installation even more flexible, it comes with a wide range of lenses, with a total of ten high-brightness 4K lenses, with ratios ranging from the ultra-short throw of 0:38:1, to the long throw of 7:69:1; and eight high-contrast lenses that ensure enhanced contrast operation from 2000:1 to 5000:1.
Christie Mirage SST has built-in TruLife electronics, a proprietary electronic platform that allows image speeds of 120fps at 4K resolution, which with an optional license rise to 480fps at 2K resolution, indicated to display high-detail content without motion blur. If we add to this a chromatic range close to the Rec color space. 2020, true 4K resolution and the sharpness and brightness of RGB laser projection, the result is immersive and realistic visuals that catch and fascinate.
The new 50,000 lumen Mirage SST is compatible with Christie Mystique, an automated camera-based alignment solution that eliminates difficulties, time and the need for special qualification to warp and blend in multi-projection matrices, ensuring a perfectly homogeneous image throughout the display.