Latin America. Making the transition from traditional to smart cities is a challenge that has been achieved by capitals such as Tokyo, London, Paris and Amsterdam, which, with technology, offer their inhabitants sustainable infrastructures, with energy-saving systems, safe, that provide efficiency and ease in different aspects.
According to the ranking of Smart Cities - Smart City Index 2020, Medellín, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Mexico City are the ones that are best positioned within the list of Latin American cities.
The World Bank reports that currently 55% of the world's population is located in cities. In addition, the United Nations estimates that by 2050 68% of the world's population will be completely immersed in the phenomenon of urbanization. This, together with the rapid expansion of the population, challenge the resources of cities, energy supply, car traffic planning, the provision of health and safety services for those residing in these crowded urban centers.
"By understanding these challenges we can identify that the planning and administration of cities must be a priority. Creating Smart Cities is a need that can benefit more than 50% of the world's inhabitants," added Carlos Duque, technical sales manager at Infinet Wireless Latam.
Some of the global solutions that are proposed to meet the requirements of Smart Cities, are technologies such as: video security or CCTV, video analytics and intelligence, pollution telemetry - traffic - sound noise, WIFI zones, video-conference, parking control, garbage control, public transport, among others.
"For all of this to work effectively and efficiently, connectivity is necessary. These tools can be interconnected through wireless connections in order to achieve reliable performance, low latency and high capacity, "explained the technical sales manager at Infinet Wireless Latam.
During the pandemic, virtuality was a necessity in the world population, but not all cities had the required preparation to offer optimal connectivity, "at present there is not the necessary amount of fiber optic cables, and infrastructure, to reach every corner of a city, it is there, where the wireless connection plays a fundamental and complementary role, to be able to offer real-time connection, which is relevant for the operation of a smart city. Wireless connections provide high flexibility and scalability," says the expert.
Faced with such needs that influence all aspects of daily life, it is essential to have easily accessible and flexible solutions, which make communication a more agile process, even through devices in motion or in remote places and, finally, that allows the multiplicity of connections simultaneously with the use of infrastructures that guarantee an increase in the quality of life of citizens.
"To achieve this requires teamwork, in addition, we must understand how the resources of a city can be optimized to give functionality to all the applications that are needed to offer citizens facilities at the urban level. From Infinet Wireless we identified this urban need and we have been working on this type of projects in different sites of LATAM", concluded Carlos Duque.