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Technological integration must guarantee security to companies

Integración tecnológica

Latin America. The integration of audio and video to provide business solutions can be analyzed in a thousand ways.

In fact, in each segment of what used to be called convergence, integrators seek to improve their differential, given the enormous competition that exists in terms of innovation and applied science for the development of new information and communication technologies, even (although it is less glamorous or massive) where what is marketed is infrastructure, more than the development of software or the contents to be disseminated.

Thus, it could be said that the disruptions that occur regularly in this field bring about the formation of a universe in which at least two planes coexist:
a ) on the one hand, what has more and better advertising, read, all B2C services (to the final consumer) in which it is no longer worth explaining that everything tends to be integrated again and again by force of Artificial Intelligence, computing capacity, storage and deployment in the cloud, and device power;
b) On the other hand, medium and large companies redouble their efforts to ensure their own integrations according to their budgets, needs, and context.

Of course, what he asks us here is to explain point b) of the scenario disaggregated above, given that it is enough to take a look at the huge packages of digital tools that Big Tech offers, to ask what is the underlying reason that justifies the creation of the market for B2B audio and video integration. that is, for companies, specific and different from what we commonly experience on our mobile devices, computers, Smart TVs, etc.

- Publicidad -

Well, one of the keys is security
In an off the record, talking with a senior Nokia executive for Latin America, he pointed out "it is perfectly impossible to get a data out of my computer, in the event that someone accesses it without my permission (...) All our internal communications are encrypted, to the point that the content we share between the various countries in which the company operates, is inaccessible to the outside, because it travels through the intranet and we are constantly testing its ability to resist attacks or be violated by hackers..."

Beyond what tools my interlocutor's company uses to keep safe the sensitive information that circulates among its surroundings of 100,000 employees, the data regarding cyberattacks explain a little his sayings. See.

According to Statista, in the first quarter of 2022 ransomware attacks – hijacking data to a company and asking for payment in exchange for its release – worldwide totaled more than 236 million.

Hackers are also able to successfully penetrate 93% of corporate networks, according to a report by Positive Technologies, resulting in losses of more than $200 million worldwide.

And although when we talk about cybercrime we usually think of more secure software or digital systems (or shields, or all kinds of virtual solutions) the first step to guarantee quality and security in corporate communications is to look for integrators of robustness and quality.

"We have our entire communication system encrypted, with identification and multifactor access, and we hire intranet and integration services for certain training processes, for example" is another of the statements that the informal chat with my confidant left me.

Hardware is critical, and will continue to be. Companies like Audinat, for example, offer real-time control and monitoring of all company data traffic processes. They provide quality integration, but do not neglect that networking and storage are critical to sustaining secure communication.

- Publicidad -

Therefore, there is no doubt that telecommunications security will be one of the key axes in the next IntegraTEC, where the most important players in the sector meet again to improve the industry.

mauro berchiText written by Mauro Berchi, expert in technological innovation, focused on phenomena such as AI, Blockchain, smart cities, among others.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Richard Santa, RAVTEmail: [email protected]
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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