Mexico. In recent years, digital transformation in the advertising sector has gained great relevance and digital signage has served as a potential ally for advertising, especially in sectors with great changes in consumption and such as Retail, according to IntegraTEC, annual and regional fair of technology in AV / Lighting, Broadcast, Automation and DataComm.
It highlights that 28% of the main technological integration projects in Mexico and Central America are implemented precisely in Retail, due, among other factors, to good proven results of positioning and conversion into point of sale.
And, studies conducted by in-Store Media on real campaigns, realize that digital signage has generated improvements in marketing results in brands advertised through this format, mostly located at point of sale, with increases of 49% in the sale of planned products and up to 78% in new items.
For its part, according to data from IAB Mexico, in 2022 50% of brands increased their advertising spending in different formats, a trend that, according to the consultancy, will continue throughout 2023 and whose 59% of investment will be destined to the digital spectrum. While its Annual Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) Study, 70% of users prefer digital advertising at the point of sale and 66% have interacted with this type of device in physical spaces.
"The growing demand for technological solutions that bring brands closer to their consumers, as well as new ways of linking ads and buyers have contributed to more and more retailers turning to these resources to be deployed in their aisles, cash registers, parking lots and even in bathrooms," says Verónica Marin project manager of IntegraTEC.
The organizer of the technology fair recalls that previously, to have access to this type of solutions, end users, that is, retailers or even advertising agencies, could only have access when their representatives attended congresses, expos or technology fairs abroad. That is where IntegraTEC saw an area of opportunity and brought these exhibitors to the Latin American market to bring them closer to the sector of integrators, who serve as a bridge between brands and manufacturers.
It should be emphasized, on the one hand, that the point of sale is the site par excellence to position products and brands, but on the other that the visual element and perception of modernity provided by digital signage define the image of stores; and this is demonstrated by the study Digital Signage Industry Latin America 2022, prepared by AVI Latin America, which highlights that 92% of consumers point to digital signage as an element of improving the image of the store and 85% ensure that it improves the perception of the products advertised.
"Digital signage or digital signage offers a series of benefits and advantages such as greater capture and interaction with users, savings in printing costs or brand recall, which translates into a greater impact on profits for the retail sector," explained Verónica Marin.
In this way, the Project Manager locates the screens and displays; media, players, operating systems and management software as the most consumed solutions in the market, while the trends that were most used in the digital signage market in 2022 were LED panels, integration with mobile devices, exploitation of data lakes (or low-cost storage environments) and integration with POS platforms (point of sale).
In this sense, the organizer of the fair that will take place from August 16 to 18, 2023, affirms that digital signage represents new ways to connect with consumers, by allowing the retail sector to position its messages in an innovative way, with differentiated strategies.
"Today's consumers are eager for new experiences. Personalization, augmented reality, omnichannel, immersion and smart stores are some of the new needs before an increasingly digital user, a fact that leads the advertising sector to transform, "he adds.
Finally, the technology fair with presence in Latin America and 15 years of experience, in Mexico and LATAM, highlights that digital signage is easier to capture the attention of audiences through the presentation of dynamic, innovative and modern messages.