Uruguay. Saving between 3% and 5% in energy consumption in state agencies during 2012 is the goal of the government of Uruguay, which decreed a set of rules for all buildings where its dependencies operate and will be extended throughout the country in the coming years.
Among the measures adopted, there is the prohibition of buying incandescent lamps and of having the lights on at the times when they can be supplied with sunlight. Also, the use of lights on 24 hours was restricted, especially when there are no staff working in the offices.
The Minister of Industry and Energy, Roberto Kreimerman, explained that these measures seek to reduce energy consumption but taking into account that the provision of basic services to the population cannot be harmed. "We want to improve energy efficiency without affecting the quality of life."
In Uruguay, average energy consumption is between 1,200 and 1,300 megawatts, with peaks between 1,500 and 1,700 megawatts. That is why the idea of the Uruguayan government is to start by setting an example from the executive and then apply the rules to the whole country, although it invited all sectors of the population to start with savings plans voluntarily.
In the decree, it is also mentioned that the savings plan links to the cars that are purchased for all state agencies. It establishes that new vehicles may not have a displacement greater than 1,800cc., and exceptions must be previously authorized.