Latin America. The audiovisual industry has had an important growth in Latin America in recent years and the expectations of InfoComm and the entrepreneurs of the sector is that the trend will continue in the coming years. In part, this situation has been due to the development of the economies of the region, where there are fewer and fewer poor.
According to the 2013 Human Development Report, conducted by the United Nations Development Programme, entitled The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World, Latin America's growth has been led by strong states that have experienced gradual and sequential integration into the world economy.
Brazil, Chile and Mexico are considered pioneers in the three drivers of development: greater proactivity of the State in development policies, greater integration with global markets and exemplary innovation in social policies.
In the last five years, for example, U.S. exports to developed countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) increased by only 20%, while exports to Latin America and the Caribbean increased by more than 50%.
By 2030, Latin America and the Caribbean will be home to one in ten members of an emerging global middle class. Billions of people around the world are increasingly educated, socially engaged and internationally interconnected.
The lesson, concludes the 2013 Human Development Report, is very simple: "The South needs the North, but increasingly, the North also needs the South."