International. After the economic difficulties that the manufacturer Sharp has had to face, which worsened with the end of fiscal year 2012, it seems that it has finally begun to recover the course after the measures adopted during this year.
Among these measures is the capitalization made by Qualcomm and Samsung, which increased their shareholding thus allowing them to have capital to make investments in research and modernization and thus be able to continue in the market for many more years.
The latest capitalization was made by Qualcomm, which acquired 3.5% of Sharp last June, a transaction that cost US $ 120 million. Previously, Samsung had disbursed a similar figure, US$112 million, acquiring 3% of the company and being the third shareholder with the largest number of shares.
These investments are in addition to the positive results of the first quarter of 2013, a period in which it reported revenues of close to US$6.2 billion, with a growth of 32.6% compared to the same period last year.
And despite continuing to generate losses, these have decreased. While in the first three months of last year Sharp lost $1.4 billion in 2012, in the same period this year losses reached $180 million.
In addition, in the second quarter revenues were US$30.60 million, being the third consecutive quarter to have growth in revenues.