Argentina. A total of 17 reflectors of 400 W were used to install lighting for the first time on the façade of the Museum of Natural Sciences of the University of La Plata, highlighting a building considered emblematic for that country.
The installed lights are characterized by having the latest in energy saving technology. In addition, due to the quality of the lighting used, it was allowed to use the minimum of required lamps extended in the 400 linear meters that the façade of the building has.
This lighting was installed on columns made for this purpose and that serve to complement the originals of the building. The new columns are responsible for carrying the power cables for the lighting of the façade of the building.
The intervention of this building was carried out within the framework of a plan of the directives of the University that seeks to value the historical buildings that serve as its headquarters, being the first to be intervened and followed by the National College, the Liceo Víctor Mercante, the Parthenon, among others.
The total of the intervention of the lighting of the façade of the Museum of Natural Sciences had a cost of 50 thousand Argentine pesos and was executed by personnel of the UNLP.