International. Designed for end users and network operators; system integrators and installers; end users, visionaries, technologists and technologists; and end-user sellers, are the four new seminars that will have the fair on digital signage that will be held In Las Vegas in February.
At the conference for Network Operators, attendees will be able to see topics such as selling digital signage as a key tool in location-based marketing, Mobile and Social Interoperability, What is it like to turn on the DOOH business mobile, Models and Strategies for revenue network success, how to generate advertising revenue for DOOH Networks, among others.
For their part, system integrators and installers will be able to address topics such as Is Digital Signage profitable?, Is Digital Signage suitable for your business?, How to enter the Digital Signage business without generating losses?
The conference for end users, visionaries and technologists, will become the stage for DailyDOOH's First Thought Leadership Summit on the topic of video walls, the global Video Wall market, and the technologies that support and transform the medium.
Finally, technologists and end-user marketers will learn how to reach the distracted consumer with mobile and digital signage?, strategies for the use of Mobile to unite the physical and digital worlds, How DOOH is facilitating the shift from e-Commerce to m-Commerce & how to transform your DS, customer engagement into a multi-screen world.
To learn more about the fair, which will be held from February 11 to 14, visit