Venezuela. Seeking to improve the communication channel with its passengers, the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Caracas, Venezuela, is updated to Digital Signage technology, benefiting from the flexibility and benefits that only a system of Digital Billboards can achieve.
The project focused on two premises:
1. The need to broadcast valuable content, in real time and with reach to all passengers
2. Seek to benefit from advertising to offset additional costs
These two premises are covered by Venezuelan companies, on the one hand Imvinet, as an integrator of Digital Signage and on the other Smartketing, as a specialist in advertising media. This alliance carried out the study according to the requirements obtaining as a result a circuit of 27 large format screens, strategically located in each of the boarding gates, in order to deliver relevant information and entertainment in a timely manner to the passenger, where flight information, weather, advertising, trivia, games, ephemeris and tourist sites, among other contents that are updated with live data.
The result is a Digital Signage circuit that generates high impact and manages to optimize the communication channels of the Airport, allowing to generate monetary and image benefits, by informing and entertaining a captive audience such as the air terminals.
One of the main problems presented by this important institution was to be able to broadcast valuable content, in real time and with greater reach to all its passengers, that is why they have decided to incorporate through the ACO system of Imvinet a Digital Signage circuit that generates high impact and manages to optimize their communication channels.
In that sense, the company Smarketing has been in charge of the installation of 27 Digital Signage screens, strategically distributed in eleven boarding gates at the national airport and another sixteen at the international airport. Managed remotely, with the latest technology, through the ACO system developed in Imvinet that for this channel is a strategic partner and provides the technology of digital billboards, channel management in terms of design and content, support and recurring technological administration.
From this moment, the Simón Bolívar International Airport is updated with the latest in Digital Signage technology, thus guaranteeing the benefits that can only be offered by the application of Digital Signage circuits under the format of Digital Billboards.